Alright so Tuesday was great got the BIC DDP put it on went great, quaility part. Now I have this old manual boost controller had it set to about 10-11 PSI. Now I can't put it down without it hitting fuel cut, so I backs the controller out a bit, still hitting it, back it out more and it falls apart lol. So my boost controller was at its limit for low which was like 8 PSI and creeping. Routed around it and set back to stock boost, hits 6 PSI right away and creeps up from there usually to about 10 PSI by the time I shift. Hit cut once like this when I had it to the boards in fifth doing 100 MPH. Had some problems with fuel cut before but not this bad. Was running open 2.5" downpipe and stock elbow no problem. SO question is,
A. Wastegate actuator is weak
B. Boost controller is fucked
C. Exhaust flows too efficiently with and open BIC DDP
D. Other suggestions?
Any help would be appreciated. As for exhaust it's not getting a muffler,cat, resonator, etc. Straight pipe all the way, was thinking 3.5" downpipe back but that may be pointless being as the DDP is 3" so should I just get 3"? And my mods are big FMIC/hard pipes, short ram intake, and DDP
A. Wastegate actuator is weak
B. Boost controller is fucked
C. Exhaust flows too efficiently with and open BIC DDP
D. Other suggestions?
Any help would be appreciated. As for exhaust it's not getting a muffler,cat, resonator, etc. Straight pipe all the way, was thinking 3.5" downpipe back but that may be pointless being as the DDP is 3" so should I just get 3"? And my mods are big FMIC/hard pipes, short ram intake, and DDP