dip stick housing


New Member
Jun 24, 2008
pensacola, FL
So, a month or so ago my dipstick housing was leaking and I took the online advice of tapering the end and using silicone to fix the problem, its been working fine until today when I noticed some oil under my car. I just rebuilt this 7mge(it has less than 2500 miles on it) and I just wanted to make sure that when it was stock it was just the dipstick housing and an o-ring and thats it? I feel stupid because I rebuilt the engine and cant remember the components of the god damn dipstick. before I tried silicone I tried other o-rings but they did not seem to fit properly and would leak. I got the stock one from toyota but I just want to make sure I do this right so I don't have to mess with it anymore. Any input would be appreciated.


New Member
Jun 2, 2008
if you are tlaking aobut the housing that connects to the block i wouldn't use silicone on that. Im not sure cus i havent ripped apart a ge in a while, but if i am correct the dip stick is on the exhaust side on the I6. and silicone to me sounds liek a bad idea. because i am pretty sure silicone is a water based product or has some water in it. are you putting it around the outside of this or on the inside where it goes to the block where the dipstick goes in and gets it reading?


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Water cures the type of silicone that's being referred to here (tin catalyzed or condensation curing). It's not water based by a long shot.