OneJSupra said:
nah joe and ric go for it ... it's all for FUN! :naughty:
It's not fun. This is typical Ric-ish behavior and I don't want people thinking making their PCV hose longer is going to prevent them from blowing turbos.
Nor do I want to read any threads of someone asking why their turbos blew up even though they were using the longer PCV vent hose.
The real evidence is there. If the PCV 1-way valve fails, you're probably gonna have some problems with the turbos shortly after that. It won't matter if you have the long or short vent hose on the exhaust side. It's irrelevant. Buying a new PCV 1-way valve is what someone should do.
I've had 3 1JZ engines, 4 sets of stock twins, in two Supras with the early and later hose vent.
1JZ engine #1, early style, with turbo set #1: Engine blew up. Turbos still fine.
1JZ engine #2, early style, with turbo set #2: Fired up first time, smoked like freight train. Swapped turbos out with turbo set #1. Car ran fine but started smoking again about a year later
1JZ engine #3, later style, with turbo set #3: Turbos were fine. Blew about 3 weeks after buying car. Replaced with turbo set #4. Turbos ran fine up until I removed them to upgrade to current Blitz turbos. Engine #3 already had a set of turbos changed out before I bought the car, so I guess you can call that turbo set #5 that were dead from the previous owner.
5 sets of turbos in total. 2 blown on early style short hose setup. 2 blown on later style long hose setup. 1 set still fine but may have blown at any given point had I not removed them. If the longer style hose really fixed anything, this should not have happened, right?
In retrospect, I should have changed the 1-way PCV valve in all cases and maybe I wouldn't have to have become so familiar with removing stock turbos.