Did the impossible today...


237lbs. of Ballast
Jun 4, 2005
Tampa, FL
I am an idiot.

Somehow, some way, I managed to lock the keys inside the car--while it was still running.

My only (sad) excuse was that I had a bundle of stuff I was pulling from the car as I got out, and I thought I had them, and figured it was just my turbo timer. But when the car didn't cut off when I thought it should have, I knew...

I am an idiot, and am now $55 poorer since I didn't have a spare key within 100 miles of where I was. The thing that kills me is I almost made a spare the other day--on Tuesday--but decided against it, figured I'd be ok without it.

Oh the irony...

RTA Supra

MA70 Enthusiast
Apr 1, 2005
Tampa, FL
You definitelly made my day at work by calling me and telling me this story, lol. Glad to hear you got back in ;)

USF education....psshhhhhhhhhh


2.5 Twin Turbo R
Staff member
Mar 30, 2005
Calgary, AB
i have donethis before in my old 95 neon... several times.

once i left them in the ignition in the middle of downtown with the car off while i went away for a week.

the other time it was at work and it idled in the parking lot for about 2 hours :biglaugh:


237lbs. of Ballast
Jun 4, 2005
Tampa, FL
Doward said:
HOW?! I can NOT lock my doors with the key in the ignition, and it running. The doors automatically unlock themselves!

This is why I say it was an impossible task...somehow I did it. I could've sworn I had my keys out, and it didn't click*CLICK like it always does when you lock it with the keys in the ignition, so I figured "I've definitely got the keys." I have noticed that sometimes my door sensors stick, not always showing the "door open" light when I've got a door open, so that must've been it. God I'm such an idiot...but I swear I'm not blonde!

And IJ, I'm *pretty sure* I could've gotten out had I locked myself in. Although scatterbrained as I was today, I wouldn't have bet money I wouldn't have had to climb through a window!


237lbs. of Ballast
Jun 4, 2005
Tampa, FL
OneJoeZee said:
did the car idle off all the gas and die?

Naw man, I only lost about $8 bucks in gas...and $55 bucks in locksmith fees. After futile attempts by myself and my SVT Lightning buddy Joe to pop the lock, I called a locksmith. He was there within an hour and a half from the start of the fiasco of foolishness. Honestly I think the Lightning may have sucked down more fuel in the 20 mins it sat running while Joe helped me than the Supra did in the 1.5 hours...but then again, it's not exactly stock.

What really embarrassed me was the locksmith popped the lock in about 3 seconds. Easiest $55 bucks ever made.


Level 2 Rythym Rogue
Apr 2, 2005
Eugene, OR
If you have verizon I highly recommend their roadside assistance program. It's three bucks a month and you get (I think) 4 events of use per year. (Fuel Up, Tow, Jump Start, Locksmith) and it's no hassle at all. I've been so happy to have mine and it's completely worth $3 a month to have the peace of mind. If you figure $50 per event, it more than pays for itself the very first time you use it.

Not to sound like a commercial or anything, but I use that thing all the time and I would have been screwed many times without.


Jul 22, 2006
Parksville, BC, Canada
One of my friends left his keys in his AE86, and smashed in the window cause he didnt wanna pay for a key guy person haha, but he had a spare window so he didnt have to pay for shit bvut still haha


237lbs. of Ballast
Jun 4, 2005
Tampa, FL
spipedong said:
If you have verizon I highly recommend their roadside assistance program. It's three bucks a month and you get (I think) 4 events of use per year.

Do they do head gaskets? Heh, unfortunately I'm stuck with NextHell for the next year. After that I'll check out verizon for sure...

686supra said:
One of my friends left his keys in his AE86, and smashed in the window cause he didnt wanna pay for a key guy person haha, but he had a spare window so he didnt have to pay for shit bvut still haha

I thought about it, especially the first (angry) few minutes after I realized what I had done. Trust me, I really wanted to put a size 13 boot through a window. But I had a feeling that would end up costing me more than a locksmith...

IJ said:
Should have grabbed a 14 year old kid he'd have it open in 15 seconds

Heh, you saw those videos too? I'm already considering better locks for my house...or a nice shiny gun. :icon_bigg