bigunitpitcher22 said:I'll throw in my opinion for fun's sake.
I believe that our presense in the Middle East is still beneficial.
I believe that American's know relatively little about the state of European government.
I believe that citizens of Europe know more about American government than we know about theirs.
I believe that Conservative Republicans tend to get very upset when someone, especially a lib. or a Dem., contradicts them.
Allah akbar is the only term I know in Arabic.
bonus12 said:seriously, giving out neg rep for political ideas got old a while ago. what's wrong with a sound discussion? you guys are worse than the terrorists!!:icon_mad:
If the disagreeable opinion is based on anything other than fact, and the outcome of said "opinion" causes the US to leave Iraq before the job there is finished , then by definition the action resulting from the opinion makes all the lives lost in Iraq worthless. That is stabbing in the back all those dead soldiers and their families.Kai said:Nice to see such a productive attitude. Voting for the opposition does not in ANY way mean that you're stabbing anyone in the back - it means that you disagree with someones opinion.
If the person's arguments are other than reasoned, they are wrong.Kai said:Currently, your behaviour indicates that if you dont like what someone has to say, they're wrong, irrespective of their views or arguments, reasoned or otherwise.
My point was not to chastise anyone for voting democrat, but to point out the CONSEQUECES of voting democrat from the terrorist's point of view.Kai said:If *you* want to vote in a republican, go right ahead, but theres NO reason to chastise someone forwanting to vote democrat if they so choose.
After you called my president who has an undergrad degree from Yale, an MBA from Harvard, and a GPA of 2.5 a retard repeatedly, I'll take that as a complement.How many ivy-league degrees do you have that you can call him a retard? Do you even know what allah akbar means? the full phrase is "Allahu Akbar min kulli shay" which means "God is greater than everything".I don't see how that makes me ignorant, intolerant, offensive and crude.Maybe it's because I believe in God? Maybe it's because MY opinion differs from yours? Can you say HYPOCRITE? Of course you brits have a long history of belittling people who advocate war. Who was that guy you pilloried for wanting to drag britons into the last war......Oh yeah, Winston Churchill. He warned you about those peace loving nazis, and was roundly criticized. Maybe your current govt. follows US around like sheep because they are grateful for the 16,112,566 American servicemen and women who were killed saving you from Hitler.Kai said:As for the 'Allah Akbar' comment at the end - that just shows you up to be ignorant, intolerant, offensive and crude.
Kai said:It's unfortunately the price you have to pay sometimes for daring to state an opposing viewpoint. However, don't become disheartened, because rep can be regained through intelligent posts in the other sections. I got plenty of positive rep for stuff said outside of the 'off topic' section - and you're low on the post count, so its not like your rep cant be rebuilt.
Supracentral said:Pessimist is just a term you optimists use to describe us realists... :momaru:
vBulletin Message said:You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Nick M again.
Nick M said:In all wise ass seriousness, you can't measure a negative quantity. A glass is incapable of being half empty.
Aaron J Williams said:After you called my president who has an undergrad degree from Yale, an MBA from Harvard, and a GPA of 2.5 a retard repeatedly, I'll take that as a complement.How many ivy-league degrees do you have that you can call him a retard?
Bush's dad was president in 1973????bonus12 said:you can, however, interpret a potentially positive quantity in a negative manner.
Bush got into those schools because his dad was president, not because he deserved it.
Kai said:I hold two degrees actually, a 2:1 Honours degree from London Metropolitan University in Law and a Masters degree in Law from the same - so i can in all fairness call Bush a retard. To be fair, i do concede the point that he's portrayed in a less than favourable light over here - in terms of the fact that he's only ever shown saying or doing something stupid. Like being unable to pronounce NUCLEAR properly.
When it comes to pulling out troops - of course, you stay behind and finish the job as best you can, but to stay on longer and longer causes animosity with the local populace, and you'll lose all support. The cost of going to war in Iraq was high, and continues to cost lives, we've lost people as well, but i for one do not believe for one instant that people voting for the opposition will be stabbing people in the back, for the simple reason that if the opposition did come to power, an immediate withdraw would cause too many lasting repercussions and cast aspersions on their ability to rule anything - sure people are stupid, but that stupid? Really?
I was aware of what 'Allah Akbar' means - i had an arabic next door neighbour for nigh on 17 years. It was the way in which you used it that caused me to look upon it and regard it as both ignorant and offensive.
As for bringing up the whole World War II stuff, don't even go there. Do you realise that we were fighting the war 2 years before you got off your isolationist arses and joined in? Battle of Britain - ever heard of it? Ever heard of the OTHER military forces that were involved such as the Canadians, Australians, Free French Forces, French Resistance and Polish pilots?
I am NOT saying that the US did nothing - i am saying that the US only chose to get involved for its own ends - realising that after Europe fell, the US was next on Hitlers agenda. Had Hitler not pushed into Russia and overextended his forces, things could have been very different indeed, and US involvement wouldn't have been able to stem the tide of Nazi Troops. Also, i must point out to you that more Soviet soldiers died in WW2 than Americans.
Your figures are also off. In WW2, American KIA's were registered at 462,016 out of 19,753,659 in service. In contrast, 580,000 British & Commonwealth KIA's were registered out of 11,500,000 in service - making our losses as a percentage and in terms of individuals lost higher than yours, but still beneath the Russian servicemen which stands at a whopping 10 million KIA's out of 34,476,700 servicemen. Need i continue?
Tony Blairs reasons for following the US around baffle even the politicians and populace of this country - to pin it down to any reason would be assinine.
thesandymancan said:i wish i were a mod so i could lock thise bullshit threads. everyone is going to have their own oppinion. that's what america is, a democracy. if everyone thought the same, we would be ruld by one dictator, end of arguement.
to judge someone by their political standpoint alone is the most retarded thing anyone could do.
thesandymancan said:to judge someone by their political standpoint alone is the most retarded thing anyone could do.
i wish i were a mod so i could lock thise bullshit threads. everyone is going to have their own oppinion. that's what america is, a democracy. if everyone thought the same, we would be ruld by one dictator, end of arguement.
thesandymancan said:to judge someone by their political standpoint alone is the most retarded thing anyone could do.
bonus12 said:i agree
i don't think anyone in this thread believes someone will change another's mind here. perrsonally, though, i enjoy debating political topics.
again, i agree. stop with the neg rep. i have four red blocks for unjust reasons.
rakkasan said:You could just ignore the thread. Just leave it alone if you don't want to participate....
thesandymancan said:i love to debate politics, it's when it gets personal that i don't like.
bonus12 said:obviously no one will like my comment here, but if the terrorists are happy, doesnt that mean we are safe from them?
regardless, i am still voting dem.