i was talking to my friends earlier about this car...i'm without a doubt getting it as long as things work out
my dilemma is what to do with the car
this car is EXACTLY what i have always wanted in an MKIII, minus the R154 and 1JZ which i have...i could keep it the way it is and it would be exactly what i've always wanted in a MKIII and i'd end up keeping it pretty much until i died
on the other hand, it screams rare...i could keep it all original and everything because taking the motor out would almost be doing a disservice to the MKIII community...if i kept it stock, i'll probably keep it for a few years then sell it...even though making a profit really isn't my goal for this car
in the end i know the decision is up to me if things work out and i get this car, but i really appreciate your opinions