Death to Advanced Auto Parts


T-virus infected
Don't get me wrong man I hate to argue or to bitch with anyone.. I have not flammed anyone on these forums.. I didn't ask for it. It was just a useless post. I rarely get angry but when someone comes on here trying to start something with me that I had no problem with before hand is just rediculous... Sorry to seem like an ass hole in that last post but damn... I understand where tony was comming from sometimes..


Justin727 said:
But in all honesty if you are here just to flame someone over grammar and not making the perfect sentence on a FORUM where short cuts are used everytime..

Short cuts huh? How is know a shortcut for no? Seems a bit longer to me. :dunno:


Okay, dude I'll apologiaze. I'm sorry. I should have just kept my mouth shut.


T-virus infected
if i typed know and you knew what i was talking about then whats wrong with that?? I usually type fast and don't really read over what i typed mainly because I'm either typing on another forum as well or chatting with other supra people but i don't see any reason why people should be grammar happy on a forum where internet talk is just that. Not really grammar correct. Kno know no... sometimes when i'm typing all over the place and mix a word up i usually correct myself.. like i said man i usually dont go over what i typed.
Sorry for the flames. Hopefully we can put this behind us! :icon_bigg
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Johnny Dangerously

I can eat planets
Apr 4, 2005
Corpus Christi, TX..
who gives a fuck about how someone grammer is not as great as others..stay on the goddamn topic.

it has nothing to do with the topic....if you have a problem with someones grammer skills, go become a elementary English teacher and GTFO. attacks on someones grammatical attributes are signs of a desperate man losing an argument.

thank you and god bless...btw, i go to O'reilys becuase they are closer, the people are nice, they know what they are talking zone aint so bad, the advance auto parts around my neck of the woods hire cute girls which is a plus...however, they dont know dick, so its useless.


Justin727 said:
where did i say advanced workers build their products?
Now what i said and meant were to different things if u read my first post. I wasn't going to draw out a long explanation. And since you knew what i meant and i'm sure pretty much everyone on here knows that the parts stores just don't goto the back and have their employee's rebuild cores.. :biglaugh:
Guess I'm going to start making LARGE paragraphs explaining my explanations and thoughts. I do more reading the posting on this forum and mainly this is the exact reason why is because everyone is tight around here. Not you or eremyj in general. Most of the people on this site know me from sf's and not once do they see me just start something with anyone on there... I don't have a problem with anyone on any forum and eremyj and I resolved the problem. I understand where you're comming from about the thread but then if it was me I wouldn't mind because like you stated its the internet. Now i would understand if you were upset if the poster stated you were a dumbass because you yourself sold him a faulty part..
You and I both know since we both are into parts sales that we deal with idiots all day long and that shouldn't get to us because you will never know who is gonna walk thru that door next thats gonna act like an ass hole. :biglaugh:
I can relate to the poster, I have had just as many problems with advanced as I have had with autozone. I might have a problem with O' Reilly's once in a while but thats before i even decided to work there.
o well im finished with this thread to much typing in one thread for me tonight

holy mother of stupid mistakes batman!

sorry Justin.. i failed to remember you were not the starter of this thread...

my apologies, and you're right..if i never have to hear "I have a ford taurus"
"what year?"
"I dont know..its blue"

again i'll be happy.

i'll go ahead and delete my previous post... im not asshole, i just play one in real life.


Taurus is hard to sell stuff for. No one ever knows if they have a 16 or 24 valve. Makes life difficult.


T-virus infected
yea same here! 95% of the people that come to me wanting parts for a Taurus don't know what engine they have... But i really hate people that get their wife or g/f to call and they have no idea about the car. So trying to save time or whatever they're trying to do they end up on the phone anyways.. fools


When I ask a woman what size engine is in the vehicle which she is purchasing the parts for and she can instantly answer me, I always reply with wow.