Dash Lights + Brake!!!


Sep 15, 2006
Versailles (Lex) Ky
Well we got back from cruising, and my car was acting up badly.. Nothing engine wise, or anything really noticeable..

Well during driving I switched it to sport mode and it lit up 2 lights on my TEMS sensor, and about 30 seconds later all three lit up. Then we pulled in to eat at McDonalds and when leaving I switched it back to Normal and all three were lit up the entire way home (Switch on normal).

And after sitting in the car port I noticed my dash lights were on when the switch for the lights was all the way down (It's hard to explain) and I noticed my dash lights went off when I let off the brake.

So in simple words,

1. All 3 TEMS lights were on when switch was in the normal position
2. Dash lights go on when the brake pedal is pressed, and goes off when the brake pedal is released. (Note the light switch is all the way off)

And if it matters

3. The reverse lights don't work, even with new bulbs.

This was the same thing that happened to my MkII and I haven't tampered with anything other than a blown wiper fuse. I haven't tried to jumpstart the car, or mess with the power supply, and it's reading 14 volts both ways.

Can someone help? Sorry to ask such a dumb question, it just REALLY bugs me.


Sep 15, 2006
Versailles (Lex) Ky
I usually don't bump posts 45 minutes later, but we are planning to take the Supra out tonight and I doubt it, but I would rather know if it's something major before I try to drive it again..

From what I read it has 4 modes, and 2 settings, and 3 lights

The 1st light is soft, 2nd is stiff, and 3rd is hard
2 modes are sport and normal
And the modes are anti-squat, anti-dive, anti-roll and high speed (Engages over 80 MPH)

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the 3rd light came on during semi-aggressive driving?


Sep 15, 2006
Versailles (Lex) Ky
Yeah, thanks man, I read through the TEMS thread with no luck, and my Chilton's book gave me nothing on my problem. I remember the brake light comes on when you have a bad alternator, or blown alternator fuse, so I didn't know if it was telling me something like the brake light does...