damn hydralic fluid..leaked on my hatch seal!!


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
one of my rear hatch struts began leaking and the fluid got on the foam rubber hatch seal. thankfully i caught it before it was totally ruined but there is considerable expansion of the rubber causing it to be wavy and it looks crappy.
not to mention the possibility of not as good of a seal now....

is there a good chemical or maybe just soap that will help extract the flud from the foam? lots of chemicals have agents you can use to "neutralise" them...and i thougth maybe hydralic fluid would have something....

i squeezed the foam rubber with a towel and then a towel with water and got most of it out, then protected it from happenening again until i replace my struts...but if possible i want that rubber to contract again and get smooth. its a bit lumpy now.....any ideas?

and do NOT suggest a new rear seal...way to expensive is my guess and mine is still good...it just bugs me when i see it.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Unfortunately any agents which might first penetrate deep enough and second react in such a way as to break down the oil will most likely destroy the rubber's elastic properties/components before it even breaks down the oil.

You could try a diluted alcohol solvent to reduce the effects, but be cautious of using full strength solvents.

Here's a thought, You might try warming the affected area up considerably with a hair dryer (If you use a hair dryer there's less chance of overheating the rubber than with a hot air gun), it'll make the oil a bit more viscous and the rubber a little more pliable. Then squeeze it with a rag soaked in isopropyl. You should be able to get alot more of the oil out, and the alcahol will help break down the oil into an even thinner solution which can be better extracted. Depending on how much damage was done to the rubber it MIGHT eventually contract, but I still don't think you'll ever get it looking like new again.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
/\ will do. ------EDIT--------

DIE 56k!!!!!

new pics thenkfully the seal isnt compromised...but its still stupid looking, and i dont want the rubber to chemically break down:




