supra87t/t4 said:Well you need to make some terminations eventually. You've got 3 options I can think of.
1. Figure out how to get you old connectors onto your new wires
2. Get new stock connectors
3. Get new sensors with new connectors
1 isn't easy and 2+3 aren't cheap, all of them require some skill from the person doing the work. Seems to me figgie and I have had this discussion beofre and "agreed to disagree" as it were. I'll be interested to hear QWIK's methods and results.
All great options to look at Glen. I see you are over here posting also. I'll let you know my plans only if you teach me to get my 60ft under 2.0 which is my best so far.
All the ends that I will use from the stock harness will be cut soldered together, and shrink wrapped for a professional neat moisture resistant connection. Haltech has a connector kit for100.00 that I can buy, but I must see if anything in iti s relevant to what I need.
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