custom mount for dual battery charging relay


WTF did he just wright ?
Aug 5, 2005
Victoria BC
i like stinger wire it pretty good stuff it can take the elmints way better then lest say pg wire or other reson being

this is my little fact about power wire

cheep wire is not even copper it's an alloy or drity copper that ios small most ebay crap

ox free pure copper wire is nice but has a draw back can take the elmints

stinger wire what they have is aulin coating on them that will cause more restaince but they just add more stands to compsate plus it cna take the weather alot better

high stand count vs low big stand count

high stand count will have less restace then low thick stand count reson being is eletricety run on the out side of the wire so the more wire you have the more serface area you have

this si my littel fact i wrote donw you can pick it apart but far as i know it is all ture