Cup Holders


Active Member
May 2, 2007
Yea but it will still effect our driving. Our elbows will hit it everytime we shift into 2nd or 4th. Plus how deep do those go. Cars with Airbags won't work as well because of the SRS module under the armrest. I'd like something what poodles posted up from the miata. It won't bother the driver and only takes a little leg space for the passenger (if there is a passenger...and if they bitch about the leg space, just say be happy you don't have to hold the drinks anymore and they'll shut up. lol)

Maybe we can ask retro-spec to make something like this? I think it would sell like hotcakes if it was done right.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
simon;1715415 said:
That Miata console is nice.
I would take one in Blue. With bins deep enough so I can put something else than targa tool+ grommet, or a ligter in the 007 storage.

Only problem is you can only go so deep without affecting how tall the console lid is, due to the driveshaft tunnel... For what it's worth, it's all about packaging. I have the targa tool, a couple hex keys, a pen, and a couple similarly shaped items inside a stereo faceplate hard case all nice and neat like. Besides that, there's a proper sweeper-style tire pressure gauge, 6 spark plugs, a utility knife, etc, etc, in my console. Could probably fit more in there but I see your point. Never going to be a minivan console though. :p


New Member
Nov 26, 2009
Joliette,provc. of Québec
te72;1715419 said:
Could probably fit more in there but I see your point. Never going to be a minivan console though. :p

You re prob. wright. Too much room is not better. My arm rest bin in the T is a mess... multytool, coins, band aids, old light socket(wtf), camera, half a dozen charging cable for I don't know what, lucky shell, old man glasses? hugh. Organized is neat. I just can't

Silver MK3

New Member
Jan 24, 2011
Madison, AL
Hey guys, I ended up buying a set of the BMW cup holders off of Ebay for $19, and they came along with an extra coin holder tray attachment. This is what it looked like before I started.


The whole thing wouldn't fit in the center console, so I cut the coin holder thing at the end off with a hacksaw, and used a bench grinder to grind it down to the edge of the tray.


To make it sit level and sturdy in the console the cupholders had to raised. I did this by putting a piece of 1x4 at the bottom, a small thin piece of plywood under the rear cupholder, and a pice of 2x4 under the tray to support it. For the tray to sit right I had to file a dip into the 2x4. I nailed all of the wood together, fastened the cupholders to the wood with velcro, and it fit perfect in the center console.


The cupholders fit very tightly in the console, but they don't get in the way of the lid closing. This is what the final product looks like, I think it's great because it doesn't require cutting up or replacing any of the interior, and isn't really expensive.:icon_bigg




Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
That looks really good man, and keeps your drinks more or less away from your elbow when you're shifting... Well done! :)


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Silver MK3;1740140 said:
Hey guys, I ended up buying a set of the BMW cup holders off of Ebay for $19, and they came along with an extra coin holder tray attachment. This is what it looked like before I started.


The whole thing wouldn't fit in the center console, so I cut the coin holder thing at the end off with a hacksaw, and used a bench grinder to grind it down to the edge of the tray.


To make it sit level and sturdy in the console the cupholders had to raised. I did this by putting a piece of 1x4 at the bottom, a small thin piece of plywood under the rear cupholder, and a pice of 2x4 under the tray to support it. For the tray to sit right I had to file a dip into the 2x4. I nailed all of the wood together, fastened the cupholders to the wood with velcro, and it fit perfect in the center console.


The cupholders fit very tightly in the console, but they don't get in the way of the lid closing. This is what the final product looks like, I think it's great because it doesn't require cutting up or replacing any of the interior, and isn't really expensive.:icon_bigg


Nicely done. Great innovation there.

ill cuhz

New Member
Dec 23, 2010
Bay Area
te72;1714307 said:
Personally I find that 1 liter pepsi-style bottles work great to put between your left thigh and the door. Just don't forget that it's there or it'll fall out. :)

i feel you brooo, thats what i did..only drink the bottles, no cups for me

Silver MK3

New Member
Jan 24, 2011
Madison, AL
RazoE;1740919 said:
Would you be willing to create a kit or sell them as a kit for the rest of us? I wouldn't mind one in my 89

I would be willing to, but it wouldn't be very efficient to pay to have the parts shipped to my house, and then your house. Most of the cupholder's on Ebay are also pretty expensive, and all of the junkyard's around here told me that they don't have any BMW 3-Series, so the cost would just end up being really high for me to make them for other members.

I would check with your local junkyard's, or see if OneJArpus can find any first, and then check Ebay. Once you get them it would probably only take 30-45 minutes to make them, and I can provide you with specific measurements if you would like.


Active Member
Sep 25, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Although I like the clean look of the console cup holder.. I fail to see how they function for those quick sips while driving.. :)
They sit beside your right arm rather than in front of.

I just went out to Canadian Tire and bought a cup holder that has an "L" style top hanger.. and hang it beside my shifter with the cup on the passenger side of the console. Works excellent and cost me 1.25
Plus.. its removable for cleanups.. hehe.

I think the easiest thing to do would be to slightly modify the cupholder that comes in the Honda Odyssey (the 95-98 models) and just make a "slit" insert for the dash.. then it pulls out and hides away when not in use. Of course.. it isnt holding a Big Gulp...


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Grandavi;1741850 said:
I think the easiest thing to do would be to slightly modify the cupholder that comes in the Honda Odyssey (the 95-98 models) and just make a "slit" insert for the dash.. then it pulls out and hides away when not in use. Of course.. it isnt holding a Big Gulp...

I found out the hard way that bigger cups are a BAD idea for cup holders that only hold ~3" of the bottom of the cup... that's when I switched to bottles. Takumi Fujiwara, I am not, I don't have the smoothness required to keep potential spills from happening...