Cryogenic treatment testing brief.


Evil Turbo Penguin...
Jan 3, 2006
South MA, almost RI
Because I have been resaving increasing pressure to post my information in vary places. So for the benefit of those that do not or can not read my info over at SF, I will be posting some of it here…

For those of you that do not know me, I primarily post over at SF… Yes I know, they are evil and you hate me, in which case stop reading now and I will not spread the plague to you (JK)… Anyways, if you do not know me, ask some one who spends time over there to explain who/what I am…

Down to business: I’m doing some experiments to determine the value of cryogenic treatment of parts. I’m doing them for several resins, not the least of which is to put some solid data down as to the effects it has. The thing is, I have heard loads of stuff (both good and bad) about what it dose or dose not do, but with no consistency. So I want to sort out the tripe from the truth and the sales pitches from the reality of what it dose for you.

In order to accomplish my goals I will be doing some experimenting. In particular we will be making test coupons of various materials, keeping some as base line and treating others, exposing them to various conditions, than testing them to destruction in a quantitative manner. In the end I will post about my method and the results in this thread. Time table wise, I will be ordering my stock materials next week and remind you that there is a grate deal that is put into this and it takes time, be patent.

As it stands, I will be doing Aluminum and steel at the moment, but may add additional tests and materials if I get the appropriate level of support. If you want to contribute, check SF at the below link or PM me for details.

Post your questions, concerns and thoughts… But please keep it constructive.


The Family Man
Mar 30, 2005
Orange County, CA
I didn't know you can cryogenic treat aluminum?

Because cryogenic treatment is very commonly done on brake discs, are you going to do friction coef. testing?


Active Member
Oct 12, 2005
Colorado Springs
Good stuff, :bigthumb: I'll be keeping up with your updates here and on SF (have been on SF, but I tend not to post over there).

For the ones that don't know GrandLordKhorne, he's top notch on his experiments and testing.


Evil Turbo Penguin...
Jan 3, 2006
South MA, almost RI
Some of the companies say you can treat anything. The theory it’s self lends to treatment of any crystalline solid, meaning most metals. So I want to test more than just steels, I would even welcome the chance to test plastic if I can raise enough support.

I want to do as many tests as possible and I plan to test coefficient of friction. Having said that, the means in which I do that test will very with support and the results will as a result very directly according to said support in respect to there qualitative vs quantitative quality.

Having said all of that, from a theoretical stand point, COF should be reduced by the cryogenic process and wear resistance should be increased. In fact many cryo treatment companies note friction is reduced and ware life increased, so the results should prove quite interesting.