Cruise Control


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
My cruise control shat on me last night. No warnings. Was working fine one minute, then I go to re-engage it after having to slow for a pokey ass on the highway and no worky.

What it does. After I engage it and let off the gas, it will decelerate and then suddenly kick down a gear. As soon as I cancel it, it pops back into overdrive.

What's the best way to diagnoses cruise issues?

Also, some may already know, but I've been having mucho driveline issues with harsh vibrations and such. I swapped out the back half of my driveshaft and it provided relief....for a little while. Now the problem is x 10. I'm pretty sure my transmission mount is toast. I feel my auto gear shifter being torqued really hard when excellerating and also changing gears I've been feeling it clunk. So my next question. Is there a sensor on the tranny that might effect the cruise. Wondering if it clunking around so much might cause issues for the cruise control.



Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
how's your speedo? Does it wobble? If so that'll confuse the CC and sometimes cause it not to work..

I also believe if your brake light is on, such as a bad ABS sensor, low fluid, etc, it'll cause the CC not to work..

also, there's a vacuum line connected to the actuator, check on that...


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
RazoE;1429428 said:
how's your speedo? Does it wobble? If so that'll confuse the CC and sometimes cause it not to work..

I also believe if your brake light is on, such as a bad ABS sensor, low fluid, etc, it'll cause the CC not to work..

also, there's a vacuum line connected to the actuator, check on that...

Speedo will wobble every every once in a blue moon, it's very rare and only for a few seconds at low speed. Was fine last night.

No brake lights, no CEL.

First thing I checked was the vacuum line....still attached and in good shape.