You'll have a hard time finding a more secure way to pay for things than a good credit card. Visa/Mastercard will beat down vendors that try to rip you off and may offer insurance or extended warrantys on items you buy with the card. Cash does not do that. You don't pay interest in credit cards if you pay it on time... so it really does come down to discipline. People also can spend your cash if they steal it, they can't use your card if it's reported stolen... and charges made after the card is reported will not [likely] be your responsibility. You should know what your cards do for you in these instances.
Credit cards will not replace cash and never, ever spend money you don't have unless you're truly prepared to face the consequences; debt.
If you can handle debt, power to you, but you ain't gettin' anywhere owing people money. If you're stuck paying off $5000 in debt that you're carrying around for two years, that $5000 had better have been for something important like a new roof on the house or to buy a solid, reliable car to drive. If it's for something like a vacation, a turbocharger, or new kitchen cabinates (when the old ones were fine, they just weren't "new"), then you've fucked up. A debt should last as long as the benefits of the product or service recieved in exchange for the debts, lasts.
I can't recommend enough that you get a credit card, and a good one. I have a Visa Green and an MBNA Mastercard. Both of which I'm debating dropping. I also maintain a line of credit. All of which have no balances.