I crashed my 2001 R1 today. I'm still not really sure every detail about what went wrong. I was shifting into second a few hundred feet from a stop sign doing maybe 25mph. I think the transmission stayed in 1st and the bike gave me a real surprise when I let the clutch back out. The front end jumped a little off the ground and for some reason I just couldn't mentally close the throttle. It sounds really dumb but I wound up locking up the front wheel still getting pushed towards the stop sign by my bike. I eventually couldn't hold the bike up anymore and fell down. I feel really dumb for not thinking to pull the clutch lever in. Everything happened to fast and I froze up, just another lesson to learn. I'll call this accident cheap experience.
I slid for about 80 feet, my bike about 240 feet. I came to a stop in the middle of the intersection the stop sign was at, luckily not much traffic. The one car around saw me and hit the brakes. The funny thing is the driver of that one car is my boss. He gave me a hand getting my bike home and made sure I was alright.
I was wearing my jacket and I am basically 100% untouched though my jacket is a little messed up. I wasn't wearing my helmet, I know, stupid. Same old story thought, just making a short 2 mile trip... I am lucky. Everyone really should be wearing all of their gear, and honestly I usually wear a helmet and gloves along with my jacket and definitely will now even on the short trips.
I slid for about 80 feet, my bike about 240 feet. I came to a stop in the middle of the intersection the stop sign was at, luckily not much traffic. The one car around saw me and hit the brakes. The funny thing is the driver of that one car is my boss. He gave me a hand getting my bike home and made sure I was alright.
I was wearing my jacket and I am basically 100% untouched though my jacket is a little messed up. I wasn't wearing my helmet, I know, stupid. Same old story thought, just making a short 2 mile trip... I am lucky. Everyone really should be wearing all of their gear, and honestly I usually wear a helmet and gloves along with my jacket and definitely will now even on the short trips.