i've been calling a bunch of diff shops around my area gettin quotes and info on crank machining.
One place said it was impossible to grind a crank and use oversize bearings, said it HAD to be welded then ground, also said that to balance it he needed the crank pulley, dampner, rods, bearings, flywheel. And it was 200 to grind and polish and almost 400 to balance, so almost 600 total, seems waaaay too steep for me.
So the point of this thread is im wondering who got they're cranks machined? Did you get it balanced? What did they to to balance.
This is my 1st bout with machining a crank so any good info is appreciated.
Oh and this is the tech section, so no my buddy did this or i heard that, 1st hand experiences only plz.
One place said it was impossible to grind a crank and use oversize bearings, said it HAD to be welded then ground, also said that to balance it he needed the crank pulley, dampner, rods, bearings, flywheel. And it was 200 to grind and polish and almost 400 to balance, so almost 600 total, seems waaaay too steep for me.
So the point of this thread is im wondering who got they're cranks machined? Did you get it balanced? What did they to to balance.
This is my 1st bout with machining a crank so any good info is appreciated.
Oh and this is the tech section, so no my buddy did this or i heard that, 1st hand experiences only plz.