Well, when I got into my accident, my tool set happened to be in my trunk and some how managed to move itself between the subwoofer and the back of my car. Now that I got it back and out of the trunk, the case is all fubarred. Now what I'm wondering is: Does craftsman's warranty cover the plastic box it came in? Cuz I really don't wanna spend money on another tool box when that money could go to other things....like a much needed floor jack just in case I get a flat....I'm not sure where to get a contact info directly to craftsman to ask this. I'm sure they have their own website if I can find that one catalog that I used to have laying around.
Not like it matters, but i'm short an 11/16 3/4" socket. Even though I more than likely won't use it, it'll just bug the mess outta me that I'm one piece short of a complete set.
Not like it matters, but i'm short an 11/16 3/4" socket. Even though I more than likely won't use it, it'll just bug the mess outta me that I'm one piece short of a complete set.