CPS is not timed, everything else is timed, car won't start.


New Member
Feb 7, 2011
Central FL.
badass_m0_f0;1790628 said:
I'm going to go back out today and see if i can get my ignition timing set back up properly. I'm still a little confused about this post http://www.supramania.com/forums/showthread.php?38775-How-To-basic-timing-instructions-CPS-alignment . The online TSRM doesn't show anything about removing the cover of the CPS while installing the CPS and timing your ignition. I'll probably just stick to the what it says in the TSRM.

Since we got on the subject of coolant. Why is Distilled so important? I know tap water has all kinds of metals, chemicals, and trace amounts of drugs but does my car care that much? I intend on using distilled water either way. But would it hurt to fill up the radiator with tap water just for a quick trip to the NAPA to get some of the Zerex G-05 suggested above? I'm sure it can't be any worse than the PEAK mixture i drove around on or the tap water i had to continuously add to my radiator to get on on when my care overheated...

Thanks again guys!

The minerals that are in tap water will leave deposits in your engine, radiator, and can cause issues. I know you can do it and probably run to your favorite parts store and then spend the extra money for the flush again, or just save the money and catch a ride to aforementioned parts store and get the right stuff the first time, I'm a firm believer in doing it right the first time so you don't have to do it again.


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
You'll end up with a rusty coolant system with cheap green and tap water.

Cover HAS to come off to install the cps correctly. Needs to be on no1 tdc compression stroke.

In that link look at the first pic and you will see 2 tiny red lines to the left of the red arrow and white box with words. That is how it should look when installed. The rotor( part that spins) should be rotated a tad counter clockwise before installing because of the helical cut gears on the cam shaft.


New Member
Mar 5, 2010
Atlanta, GA
I took everything off again yesterday and stuck one of my girlfriend's hair sticks in the #1 spark plug hole. Found out i actually had the engine on the compression stroke last time and it probably would have started up. I didn't stick anything in the #1 cylinder to check TDC last time, so figured I'd make sure before charging the battery or jump starting.
So i charged my battery, and re-assembled everything. No timing light, i tried to jump the box with a paper-clip just to see what the engine light would do, all it did was flash lol. I did check for codes using the same paper clip and no codes came up. The car started right up, tightened down the bolt on the CPS and called it good. Probably going to drive it over to a local shop and have them do it proper since it's only estimated to cost $ 79.00. I just didn't want to have to pay $150.00 to have it towed there.
I understood what is says in that guide with the redlines, just wasn't sure since it doesn't say to take off that cover in the TSRM.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
The cover doesn't have to come off, but I like to have it off, since being even slightly misaligned, can cause the cps to jump back one tooth as you ease it in.