cps alinment help plz: pics provided

SC61 MK3

New Member
Apr 4, 2005
Just move it until it doesn't sound fucked up. Haha just listen for a smooth idle thats under 1k rpm and you can get a timing gun at harbor freight for $15 btw


New Member
Nov 4, 2010
Mooreland OK
When i installed my cps after redoing the hg i had a hell of a time too, i thought it should line up dead on when you first install it but it doesn't. It takes quite a bit of roatation counter clockwise before you can slip it in and have it end up at the right alignment, i wanna say i had to turn it a little over an 1/8th of a turn and try it 2 or 3 times. Of course that was all done after the timing belt was installed and the motor was sitting at TDC per the TSRM. You should do that first and then don't move the cams to get the CPS to line up.