Sweet Shots Thank You. About 15 years ago we were at Glamis here in SoCal. A huge area of dunes all sand, one wednesday morning on a ride out to compition hill two F-14's came over the dunes so freaken low I almost crashed, they scared the hell out of me. They kicked the sand up so bad it was like a sand storm, that's how low they were flying. On another trip west of El Centro at a place called Shell Canyon my entire family was sitting around the campfire one night when we spotted down toward the city an errie blue light the seemed to be getting bigger, a few seconds what appered to be an A4 flew less the 50' over our heads cranked a hard right around the mountian range out of site. I had all these blue lit panels the glowed and wild looking blue, for the rest of the week we watched incrdible arial night dog fighting just north east of us but still in perfect view. I love camping in the desert around military bases, you get to see some awesome sites. As far as Air Shows go the Edwards Air Show is nothing like you'll ever see anywhere else since there is nothing near it so they all go balls out for the show. If you want to see some wild shots of the sound barrier being broken at deck level between two ships go to grouchymedia.com, he made some flicks back in 2005 that had some of the best film footage I've ever seen and I have alot.