Conspiracy theorists, what is your highest level of education?

Your highest education lvl, along with your location.

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Anything but Lurker
May 23, 2006
bonus12 said:
Also, how do you get a poll with your thread? thanks.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
I was just reading about WTC 7. Seems a lot of debris hit it when the other fell, weakening the structure. And it was an easy shot for unburned fuel to run straight in. So if 20 tons or whatever landed on me, I wouldn't be standing either.

And a structural engineer also pointed that plane number two, which was clearly accelerating and going much faster than the first, caused much more damage than the first. So that is why that building felll first even though it was hit second. That plane removed more floors upon impact. He stated it was more than just the fuel, but also the massive impacts.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
Nick M said:
I was just reading about WTC 7. Seems a lot of debris hit it when the other fell, weakening the structure. And it was an easy shot for unburned fuel to run straight in. So if 20 tons or whatever landed on me, I wouldn't be standing either.

And a structural engineer also pointed that plane number two, which was clearly accelerating and going much faster than the first, caused much more damage than the first. So that is why that building felll first even though it was hit second. That plane removed more floors upon impact. He stated it was more than just the fuel, but also the massive impacts.

and when all is said and done, its still one of the most horrific events in all of recorded history.

when ever i see images of those buildings or think about that day tears come to my eyes.


New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Southern California
Outofstep I love it. Perfect Question. I have found in the workplace over the last 30 years that Racists, and those who generally believe in most conspiracy theories never finished high school. Notice I said generally for those of you who have gone to college and still believe in them. This is just my personal experience in the workplace generally.



1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
JustAnotherVictim said:
There are conspiracies I believe and others I don't. I don't see what the big deal is.

there isnt a big deal. its just another label people like to use. there are of course extremely paranoid people who jump all over every proposed conspiracy theory that they hear about but that dosnt mean that if someone thinks a little differently now and then, it dosnt mean that they are a conspiracy nut.


Supramania Contributor
Totally depends on the theory, and conspiracy.

Did JFK get shot? Yep.
Did one bullet or three do the job? Who cares.

Did we go to the moon? I'd like to belive we did.
Can NASA prove it? I'd like to see the video and other interesting problems resolved before I pass final judgement. The fact that NASA has lost the tapes is interesting, and the fact we have not been back is damning.

911 was an act of war by cowards who use ignorance and religion to preach hate and gain power for themselves with the ignorant who follow them. (Yes, that would be Muslems who follow the teachings of these power mongers.)
Did Bush have anything to do with this? If you think he did, you should go blow the above mentioned Muslems...join the other dumbshits where you belong.)

Again, if you belive we are causeing global warming, then you and your LEE friend Gore can go blow the Muslims :) LOL They love ignorant people.. you guys will belive anything.....

Oil is fossil fuels?
Only if you have not done some research of the facts. (Like the oil fields filling up from the underside, or that we are currently pulling large amounts of oil out of rock older than fossil reccord, and plate subduction does not solve the question of where the hydrocarbons are coming from? Decomposed life, or just part of the planet. Do the research, and then make an intelligent choice. Once you realize we don't burn "fossil fuels" and come to realize that we are burning hydrocarbons, and there is hydrocarbons on this planet to last centuries, not just decades, it makes paying 3.00 for gas completely insane. (Thank people like Al Gore when you fill up your car, it's LEE's like this that want you to live in an apartment, and ride the bus or a bike.)

I've completed College and have a BS degree.
Don't live in the land of Californication, but grew up there.
I'm always learning. :) Just took a refinish class the past two days so I'm up to speed on what's going on in the repair industry :) Have not painted since about 1986, but managed to get my blends and repair work done correctly the first time :) Cool beans man! Might have to go start painting cars again.. LOL Just kidding, it's HOT here in Texas! It was 108 yesterday, and 107 today in the booth when we got done... I'm feeling like beef jerky....time for more water..

Aliens, Area 51 and all the other conspiracy stuff is interesting, but really not much more than entertainment in my opinion. (Like the deal where they made a ship disappear... That is real, but what really happened is up for debate... )

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
JFK was struck twice on three shots.

Believing in a conspiracy doesn't make you a nut job. Believing in crazy ideas does make you a nut job. Or crazy, I don't care which words.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
^^ its not if you beleive the conspiracy, but if you understand the conspiracy.
Think of it this way Unless there is total truth in something that is a little iffy, your going to get other points of views. Just because some people believe differently than you doesnt mean they are crazy nut jobs. Its all in their thinking, Now if the people who dont research dont back up things, and just go on what someone else told them, and completely believe, then those are the nut jobs.

Kinda like a Demco. member or republican voting for their canadate, just because there canadate is on their side, even if their canadate is a wack job and they dont make a logical decission on who would be the best for the job.