figured a mount in these slim panels was going to be out of my league with these, so i opted for a different approach, as you see here is the result of last weekend. two successful back seat mounts. speakers are wired to the set in the rears. i also mounted the tweeters in place of the side rears. the speakers sound okay from the front while the seats are folded down. i hardly carry passengers in the back, so this worked for me. they still fold up and lock in fine too.
right now my tweeters are still in place, just disconnected as i was not able to hook up the crossovers in which case they were at risk of blowing. now, to me, it is a mystery to how these crossovers are to be installed... do i need an amp?
right now, i do with only two pairs of speakers (front stage - rears). for best situation is it recommended that i have three pairs? i did notice a difference without a 3rd pair, but these 6.5 components made up for for the lack.
i'm sure these (RE xxx 6.5)'s should sound a hell of a lot better @ 300W peak/150 rms, if they were hooked up correctly (amp? crossover/tweeters). but unfortunately, do not get it. my knowledge at this point is as far as it has gotten me. but . i am willing to spend 300-400 to finish properly..
was also thinking about adding in a sub to these..hmmm

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