the mk2 may come it whould be fun but it is heep for now tell the white car is done then going to restore my 86 mk2
NashMan said:ok poepel give me the tiems and stuff of what is happen
i pretty sur ei goig ot bring my car over i gues si just have to suck up the 100 bucsk ferry charge
NashMan said:ok poepel give me the tiems and stuff of what is happen
i pretty sur ei goig ot bring my car over i gues si just have to suck up the 100 bucsk ferry charge
VanSupra said:If mission is on you better be on the early ferry the 11am 12 or 1pm at the latest as I want to be at the track by 4pm..lmk And Daves cool he won't put you in his freezer all hacked up in pieces..
NashMan said:so misson is on saterday i thought ti was friday
suprastanger507mgte said:What is mission guys ?? I'll be in Vancouver on Saturday and Sunday and will be stopping by for the meetWould definitely like to catch some more action that way