Colorado Troopers fight street racing


Formerly dcrusupra
Jan 5, 2006
Cullowhee, NC



Nov 18, 2005
MassSupra89 said:

Lamborghini's and Ducati's... Italy is a good place to be in law enforcement.:naughty:

Diablo's in Colorado... wtf. Pics or ban!! haha.
Good luck running from that!!!


May 26, 2006
Denver, Colorado
haha well i hate to break it to you guys. i thought id let you know, this is all a joke, i live here in Colorado, and im good friends with the suba community, this guy that is a state patrol took his STI and put all that state patrol shit on it to try to get it in a magazine. there are no STI undercovers either. I thought it was real the first time i saw it too, i was like oh shit!.


is sofa king
Jan 17, 2006
Sedro Woolley, Washington, United States
As far as I know the B.C. " state patrol"? ame down to the mitsu dealership in Burlington Wa and bought 4 Evo's . Had them reworked to resemble OZ editions and are now running them as interceptors because you can not get Evo's in canada . Even had them registered in Washington state as W.S.P cars. One of my old roomates is the sales manager at the nissan dealership which is a owned by the same company told me so I am 99% sure this is the real deal


Supramania Contributor
I was just on C470 in Colorado last week, and saw a few unmarked vehicles pulled over on a crotch rocket. (Charger with no light bar, Explorer with no light bar either... Then one marked car, a crown vic I belive.

Sucks when they are hanging out in traffic unmarked. Seems like treason and entrapment to me.

All I know, is unless CA has changed it's laws, there is NO way I'm ever pulling over there without a high speed chase first. (I understand they take away your car for racing, so why not run if your going to lose it anyway?)

As a youth, I outran a local sherriff but then was pulled over by the same sherriff's department a few months later, and written a totally bogus 85mph in a 55mph that was shoved down my throat. Lost my license in CA for 6 months on that one. (my 6th ticket inside of 2 years.) So, I moved to Ohio, turned over my CA license, and got me a new one there, drove for two years with no more tickets and came back to CA and then got a CA license again, and a job as a paint delivery driver... LOL

I've gone as much as 14 years with no tickets, but got nabbedin NV last year coming back from SILV... Unmarked black marauder with his radar off... Bastard. (Lucky for me, I'd tapped the brake and cut the cruise control a few seconds before because the car looked strange, so I was not going 120mph anymore, just coasting down to 98 in a 70mph... ) He wrote me for 80 in a 70, so I suppose it could have been worse...

I don't know what I'd have done if he'd instant on'd me at 120mph... I was just a few miles form a few major forks in the road, and any of them would have been well beyond what his Mercury could have done to catch my car. (Not many PD vehicles can go 165mph for extended periods of time, and the Supra will cruise there all day now with the mods I have.)

Very tempting to run for sure at that speed. (Your likely going to jail at 120mph...)

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
C470 is one of the worst places to speed anywhere.

Don't street race and you have nothing to worry about.

Diablo's in Colorado... wtf. Pics or ban!! haha.
You don't know much about Denver do you? I haven't seen a Diablo police car, it doesn't match a city or county budget I know of, but I have seen many Diablos on the road. Well, many is not correct. It isn't like Camrys. But you do see them frequently in the Summer.


Jul 28, 2006
Orlando, Fl
Here in Orlando we have some pretty interesting Interceptors incuding an impounded Turbo Civic Hatch the biggest problem is you can only use it a couple of times because word gets out. We have a couple of Mach 1 Mustangs and a Burgandy Maurader with Cobra badges. One day after work I pulled up to a stop light and the Maurader pulled up next to me however I didn't know about him until he started revving I gave the vehicle a closer look noticed the cobra emblems then through the heavily tinted windows I noticed light bars and the laptop.


Bay Area Supras
Apr 1, 2005
Bay Area, CA
so i was cruisin here in the bay area on 280, a freeway where most people go about 15 over the limit. i'm around 70 when i see a highway patrol motorcycle up ahead. as i get closer he's next to another motorcycle cop, but the other one is different. as i get next to them, the other chp bike..... was a new R6.

so u can keep the modded sti cops, we have r6's hunting us in CA now :(


Nov 18, 2005
mattsplat72 said:
As far as I know the B.C. " state patrol"? ame down to the mitsu dealership in Burlington Wa and bought 4 Evo's . Had them reworked to resemble OZ editions and are now running them as interceptors because you can not get Evo's in canada . Even had them registered in Washington state as W.S.P cars. One of my old roomates is the sales manager at the nissan dealership which is a owned by the same company told me so I am 99% sure this is the real deal

Arnt the OZ edition front wheel drive???


Nov 18, 2005
Well this kid up here had a yellow evo oz edition and it was front wheel drive!!! I don't remamber the year tho.


scratch that...going 2jz
Jun 26, 2006
United States
MassSupra89 said:

Lamborghini's and Ducati's... Italy is a good place to be in law enforcement.:naughty:

Diablo's in Colorado... wtf. Pics or ban!! haha.
hasent anyone seen the video where the unmodded mr evo is faster then this car... we got a deoblo here in washington but i think it might just be for scares. it makes me wonder why when that guy was running from portland or. to seattle wa. in a viper that the cops didnt bring one of these cars out. it doesnt matter what the cops do people will still out run them. the oz is front wheel drive but he did say they where evos with oz badges. from what i've heard if you pull out of sight and jump out real quick them when he comes around the corner he has to find a way to prove you where driveing and that some one else wasnt. my friend did this and it worked for him. And as far as a cop reving at you thats bull shit. why the fuck is he revving at you if a cop will pull someone over if they rev there engine (not directly because of it but for some stupid reason).

Insidious Surmiser

Formerly 89jdm7m
May 12, 2006
JustAnotherVictim said:
It was on Top Gear, and the Evo was quicker in and out of turns so for that yes it was quicker but not by a whole lot. Top end it would kill an Evo.
um, wasn't the lambo on top gear a murcialago? and i kno for a fact the evo was a fq400 model (400 bhp), so not exactly stock