Colorado sucks. 15 rd mag limits July 2013. Hurry and buy a full size pistol now?

Insidious Surmiser

Formerly 89jdm7m
May 12, 2006
SupraMario;1930465 said:

That sounds like an argument that why do we need high cap mags.....You've lost me Mike...

no one said no one doesn't need high-cap mags, you could in fact NEED them... my argument was quite the opposite, saying, personally using a 1911 in .45 I couldn't really see myself needing more than ~4 shots

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
IJ.;1930491 said:
If you can't kill it with 15 rounds it's time to GTFO :runaway:
Ian, what's great about this post is that anytime I hear somebody say something like that I think of the pictures of your big ass spiders and bugs and shit in Australia. :biglaugh:

I was going to post a picture here, but after 15 seconds of google image search I can't look at those crazy fuckers anymore. I'm going to have nightmares.

Thanks, Ian, look what you did. Asshole.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
suprarx7nut;1930572 said:
Ian, what's great about this post is that anytime I hear somebody say something like that I think of the pictures of your big ass spiders and bugs and shit in Australia. :biglaugh:

I was going to post a picture here, but after 15 seconds of google image search I can't look at those crazy fuckers anymore. I'm going to have nightmares.

Thanks, Ian, look what you did. Asshole.
LOL seriously if it's not dead in 15 shots it wins by default and I'm leaving! ;)


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
IJ.;1930595 said:
LOL seriously if it's not dead in 15 shots it wins by default and I'm leaving! ;)
If it isn't dead in 15, you're probably in the process of being eaten before you even get that many fired off... i.e. grizzly bear?

On a serious note, I don't have much experience with pistols, so I can't say for sure whether I'd want the extra weight of another 10-12 rounds. Although I can imagine that the less you HAVE to reload, the better, in a real world situation.

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
Well, I went to the range and rented most everything they had in 9mm and .45. I LOVED the Sig P226 in 9mm. Smooth as silk, seemingly less recoil, my accuracy was twice as good compared to any other 9mm or .45 I tried.

I used:
Springfield XDM 9, 45
M&P 9
H&K USP 45
Remington 1911 45
Sig Sauer P226 9mm
Sig Sauer P220 .45

The Sig felt instantly better than anything by the grip alone. I've got bigger hands and I think the ergonomics of the 226 grip just fit my size better than anything else. The H&K USP felt pretty good too, but the trigger on the 226 was just butter and for whatever reason I was instantly more accurate with the 226. The 220 wasn't as impressive, but still a better feel on the grip than most anything else.

Luckily (I guess) the 226 comes standard with a 15 round mag in 9mm so I'm in no hurry for that. Woo!

Can anyone recommend any others not mentioned that may have similar feel in both the grip and trigger of the P226?

Insidious Surmiser

Formerly 89jdm7m
May 12, 2006
I take it you didn't care for the 1911?

the most accurate automatic handgun I've used was a S&W 9mm (cut a small tree in half w/ the first shot @ 20yrds)

the 1911 though, is by far my most favorite design (even knock-offs) it's the fact that the grip is designed to allow the shooter to automatically aim where he is looking, even if not aiming down the sights (I believe sig uses similar grip designs)

also, ballistics. if I can bring up a gun and hit my target from the hip, I don't need a round that is good at cutting, I need something that will cause massive trauma with minimal penetration (aka .45 acp hollow point) and will stop the aggressor dead, or will at least cause him to falter severely... .45 is called "man stopper" for very good reason.

Once again, if I can hit my target, and cause severe trauma, or cause him to fall. I will not need more than a couple rounds, possible you may not need more than 1.

Thing is, of at least three people I know personally, in self defense scenarios they did not need more than 2 rounds. guy#1 shot in the head w/ .44 mag (1 round) guy#2 shot in the head w/ .45 acp (1 round) guy #3 shot in back w/ .50 AE (2 rounds) all of the offenders were killed on the spot (3 guys dead, 4 bullets used)

I can also think of another guy who used a .44 mag on an intruder, blew his leg to smithereens. guy lived, but one shot was fired... all that was needed.

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
I didn't like the 1911 because the grip was so narrow. I think a wider set of grips would change my perception of it, but I wasn't much of a fan. I liked the sig 220 and USP more when considering the 45's I tried.

As far as caliber and stopping power and all that... In my mind, being comfortable with the gun is more important than anything. Before worrying about how quickly I can drop somebody I'd like to be sure that I can hit the target cleanly and reliably and keep successive shots under control.

For me, that means a full sized pistol in a less than .45 caliber. I'm sure with enough practice I'd be just as accurate with a 45, but for now I need all the help I can get. :biglaugh:


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
suprarx7nut;1931516 said:
I didn't like the 1911 because the grip was so narrow. I think a wider set of grips would change my perception of it, but I wasn't much of a fan. I liked the sig 220 and USP more when considering the 45's I tried.

As far as caliber and stopping power and all that... In my mind, being comfortable with the gun is more important than anything. Before worrying about how quickly I can drop somebody I'd like to be sure that I can hit the target cleanly and reliably and keep successive shots under control.

For me, that means a full sized pistol in a less than .45 caliber. I'm sure with enough practice I'd be just as accurate with a 45, but for now I need all the help I can get. :biglaugh:

First thing I did with my EDC 1911 was dump some Hogue grips onto it for $ $20 I've spent ever.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
suprarx7nut;1931516 said:
I didn't like the 1911 because the grip was so narrow. I think a wider set of grips would change my perception of it, but I wasn't much of a fan. I liked the sig 220 and USP more when considering the 45's I tried.
There are 1911 models with a double stack magazine, those might be more to your liking. I held a few at the last gun show, and they were just way too big for my hand. The single stack 1911 (Remington) that I ended up buying, feels nice and stable in my hand, the weight isn't too bad (I'm not a big guy by any means), and the grip is nice and rough. The grip of that and the record of the 1911 were pretty much my deciding factors on my purchase.

That said, I held quite a few other pistols that day, the USP had a nice feel, but for ~$1000, I decided to look elsewhere. The Beretta M92 that I held, I liked it as well, but it was also rather pricey. If I were getting a 9mm, that would probably be among the top contenders for me.

Insidious Surmiser

Formerly 89jdm7m
May 12, 2006
suprarx7nut;1931516 said:
I didn't like the 1911 because the grip was so narrow. I think a wider set of grips would change my perception of it, but I wasn't much of a fan. I liked the sig 220 and USP more when considering the 45's I tried.

understandable... sounds like you might have a little bit bigger hands than me.

suprarx7nut;1931516 said:
As far as caliber and stopping power and all that... In my mind, being comfortable with the gun is more important than anything. Before worrying about how quickly I can drop somebody I'd like to be sure that I can hit the target cleanly and reliably and keep successive shots under control.

seems logical... that's where practice comes into play... in the end you'll know what suits you best. I have no issue controlling a .45. but stance and hold is important if you plan on hitting multiple targets with speed and accuracy.

as much shooting as I've done, hitting the target is of no concern to me, neither is recoil. I know I can hit what I intend to, so my biggest concern is penetration. whatever happens, you do NOT want to hit an innocent bystander

One more thing to consider is that most self-defense scenarios occur at extremely close range... keep this in mind when you practice... it should be extremely easy to hit what you need to, even if you don't have time to aim properly.