collision question.......


Active Member
Oct 24, 2010
i'm not sure if i posted about this earlier, but i got rear ended in my supra a few weeks ago. i know there's bumper damage, but i had a question for you guys....
since the accident, the targa top leaks at the l/f corner and the power drivers seat has about an inch of back and forth play.

can this be caused from the accident? i have an appointment at a collision shop on thursday, and would like to be armed with as much info as possible.
thanks guys............


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
San Antonio, Tx.
Your unibody is tweaked. I guess it could affect your driver seat play as well. Be prepared for them to total out your car. Most insurace companies will consider your car a total loss when the repair bill generally exceeds 80% of the cars actual value. But careful because some companies will consider it a loss as low as 51%. You have the option of buying your car back.

Oh, and insurance companies would rather total your car then deal with it getting repaired.


Active Member
Oct 24, 2010
well that sucks. the hit wasn't that hard. the car is a 90 turbo with the white package. the only physical damage that shows, is the spider webbing on the rear bumper.
also, the car is from florida, and rust free. looks like i'll have to buy it back if they total it. :(


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Just about anything can be fixed. Keep in mind, it is in an insurance company's best interest to pay as LITTLE as possible. Hopefully you have some good pictures of what its condition was before the accident. Sorry to hear your troubles, sounds like you have a bit of a future headache developing. :(


Active Member
Oct 24, 2010
the top was on. it just seems to be leaking a bit more since the hit. as far as the seat goes, i think it's from my legs pushing against the pedals when i was hit. that would explain the pain i've been having in my knees.


Custom Painter/Fabricator
Apr 7, 2012
Beaverton, Oregon, United States
Hey man, I'm really sorry to hear about your Supra. Suprapowaz is probably right and your body is twisted. Especially if your top was on. I work in collision and auto body repair and what you should do is go to a couple of body shops and get quotes. Then, hopefully you can get the other party to pay cash for the damage to your car. If you pay out of pocket, your insurance company won't know and you don't have a branded title. And car fax won't know either.


New Member
Apr 22, 2011
Slocan Park, BC, Canada
I'll know

haha Yah but seriously I would fix it all myself as best I could then go do some more drifting. Where I live, if you make a insurance claim and you were at fault in any way, you will lose your discount. My insurance discount is maxed at 40% from 8 years safe driving. But they don't actually know that I have crashed my car before.


Supramania Contributor
Dec 13, 2007
Abbotsford, BC
planemos;1873903 said:
I'll know

haha Yah but seriously I would fix it all myself as best I could then go do some more drifting. Where I live, if you make a insurance claim and you were at fault in any way, you will lose your discount. My insurance discount is maxed at 40% from 8 years safe driving. But they don't actually know that I have crashed my car before.

ICBC ftl.....they'll always find a way to put SOME blame on you just for that, ESPECIALLY if both parties are ICBC "customers" (can't really call you a customer if you're forced in to a single company by the government) :icon_mad:


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
radiod;1873913 said:
ICBC ftl.....they'll always find a way to put SOME blame on you just for that, ESPECIALLY if both parties are ICBC "customers" (can't really call you a customer if you're forced in to a single company by the government) :icon_mad:
I'm guessing this is a Canadian company of some sort? I thought everything was just peachy up there though... at least that's what people on this side of the border seem to think anyway...

They've socialized auto insurance as well as health insurance too? Correct me if I'm misreading this, but that seems like a terrible idea...

EDIT: Remember that time I said it is in an insurance company's best interest to pay as little as possible? Oh yeah... right at the top of this thread. :p


Supramania Contributor
Dec 13, 2007
Abbotsford, BC
te72;1874076 said:
They've socialized auto insurance as well as health insurance too? Correct me if I'm misreading this, but that seems like a terrible idea...

In British Columbia all vehicles on the road have must be insured through a crown corporation called ICBC (Insurance Company of British Columbia) for their basic collision insurance to be road legal. Once you get some years of safe driving under your belt you can look to private companies at getting the insurance above and beyond such as comprehensive, theft, third party liability, under-insured motorist, etc. but that's typically not an option unless you've been driving for 10+ years. In other words, there is no competition at all for basic collision insurance in British Columbia. I wouldn't say our rates are absolutely insane assuming you're not a moron on the road, but they're definitely not the greatest either.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Wait... so you can't have anything other than basic collision unless you meet their "requirements" with ICBC? So in other words you would be screwed if you bought a newer car at a young age, and got hit by someone who didn't have insurance.

If I follow along properly, man you guys have some screwed up companies up there. Sounds like someone greased the government wheel a bit...


Supramania Contributor
Dec 13, 2007
Abbotsford, BC
No, you can still get those, just having no real competition causes the rates to be expensive. With my 43% discount (maximum discount for safe driving with ICBC) my 2003 Celica GT is just over $2k/year for collision and reasonable, but not maxed out extra coverage. After 10 years you get 1 "free" accident but otherwise if you are even partially at fault for anything your insurance goes up by up to 20%. And yes, this includes if you have no discount at all. For you to get your discount back you must also have a vehicle insured. I know someone who's mother-in-law had a few accidents over the span of 4 years that she had full or partial fault for and ended up having to pay $6k/year with the absolute most basic insurance (collision only) on a vehicle (nothing special, 2001 Mazda Tribute).

The only real plus side to this is there are very few cars on the road that are uninsured. The biggest reason you'd get protection from under-insured motorists is if you do more driving outside of BC.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
radiod;1874500 said:
The only real plus side to this is there are very few cars on the road that are uninsured. The biggest reason you'd get protection from under-insured motorists is if you do more driving outside of BC.
I guess that could be one bright side. One would assume from reading this that not having insurance is a serious offense that is not worth the risk of not paying such high insurance rates? That would probably keep more poor drivers off the road I guess... Hmm. I'm kinda torn. I would gladly pay $100 more a month on my insurance if we were to take all the uninsured and/or poor drivers off the road.

That said, you must be a bit on the younger side, to be paying $2k/year on a 10 year old Celica GT... I think my insurance is something like $53/month on 3 different vehicles.


New Member
Apr 22, 2011
Slocan Park, BC, Canada
With my maxed discount of 40% (NOT SURE HOW YOU GET 43%???!?!?) I paid like $130 for 3 months of the most basic, just enough to drive my Supra on the road, insurance. Radioid do you work for Insurance CORPORATION of British Columbia? I was just in there and I was told that I was maxed at 40%.
Not having insurance and getting pulled over by the police leads to fines and a bad driving record. When I was young I got a pile of speeding tickets and chose to not pay them. Well before I knew it my license was revoked and I owed $10000. I had to surrender it for over a year or pay the full amount. They are SEVERE with their punishments to bad drivers.
If you ever get a ticket you can just pay it or you can take it to court. Most people take it to court if they need an extension on making the payment. I actually took it to court once and I did get a small reduction in the amount.
ICBC has this thing called the Driver Risk Premium. If you get a ticket for excessive speeding you have to pay the speeding ticket AND pay ICBC $320 additionally. And they have much larger additional fines if you get caught drunk driving or you get a roadside suspension.