MBA is a management bachellors? and a BS ME is a...bachellor of science in mech. engin.? brain fart.
ok, sounds better. i was suprised at this doesnt seem logical to have ONE person work on ONE thing continuously... unless they were PRO and/or liked it.
personally i like the idea of designing things, i naturally see things MANY (ok, most, if not almost all) the people around me never even think about...and i can figure out explinations and ways to solve things in the physical world that stump other people.
when we did ping pong launchers in my physics class...mine was the most accurate, IMO, it was the most tunable to different angles and initial velocities...and was the only one that hit the mark EVERY time. nobody else got close to saying that. i've always loved tinkering with things, since i was little. my first rc car that didnt work, i tore apart to see what made it work. i study structures for the hell of it, and i dont see anyone else doing it.... so i figured this would probably be a good job for me.
what made you want to get into engineering? are you like me?