So here is my problem. For the past couple weeks the car would very intermitently not start. After maybe the 2nd or 3rd try it would start right up and run great. Last thursday it would not start at all and I had to have it towed home. I could not hear the fuel pump turn on when I turned the key either. Got it back home and figured that the fuel pump had failed and replaced fuel pump and fuel filter for peace of mind. After that it started right up and ran great again. But today when leaving work to go home again car would not start. Double checked connections under hood (electrical, vacuum) and still would not start. For the hell of it disconected AFM and car started. Reconected everything and drove home normally. Once home checked codes and found both 31 and 24. I have also been having an issue of when in stop and go traffic having the car stumble and stall out when I push in the clutch to come to a stop. Like the RPMs do not catch the idle at all and that the RPMs just fall untill it stalls out. So what I am trying to figure out is would a bad AFM cause a no start and or the stalling out issue, and if not what would. Still running stock electronics and fuel, mods listed in sig. Any help will be apreciated.