Well ever since I bought my car it has been giving me code 25 and 26. It had an Auto transmission back then, and from what i've read on the TSRM only the California model ECU's can give out code 25 and 26. Well after I did my 5 speed swap I took out the auto ECU and installed another ECU which is for a 5 speed. Well after installing this ECU I only get code 25 now.
Also when I bought the car it came with a 3" downpipe with the stock elbow. From what codes i have gotten Auto ECU I believe it is a California model, but im not sure. How would I know if my supra is a Cali model? Also since the downpipe was replaced with an aftermarket Dp by the previous owner, would an unhooked Post Cat O2 sensor throw a code?
Keep in mind that this code I have gotten for about 4 years now, but the car has ran good with no problems that affect driveability. BTW my Dash pot is not working, I had no idea it wasn't working, who know how long its been like this. I have not had a chance to replace it.
What I have replaced since I bought the car:
New Denso O2 sensor.
Spark Plugs
255 Walbro Fuel pump
Aeromotive Fuel Pressure regulator
Cleaned the Fuel Injectors on the car
Replaced Coolant Temp sensor
Replaced Air Flow Meter.
Also when I bought the car it came with a 3" downpipe with the stock elbow. From what codes i have gotten Auto ECU I believe it is a California model, but im not sure. How would I know if my supra is a Cali model? Also since the downpipe was replaced with an aftermarket Dp by the previous owner, would an unhooked Post Cat O2 sensor throw a code?
Keep in mind that this code I have gotten for about 4 years now, but the car has ran good with no problems that affect driveability. BTW my Dash pot is not working, I had no idea it wasn't working, who know how long its been like this. I have not had a chance to replace it.
What I have replaced since I bought the car:
New Denso O2 sensor.
Spark Plugs
255 Walbro Fuel pump
Aeromotive Fuel Pressure regulator
Cleaned the Fuel Injectors on the car
Replaced Coolant Temp sensor
Replaced Air Flow Meter.
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