Hello there friends, I have read a LOT of posts here on the kind of the same issues I am having. I have a code 24 (IAT) and my car has been running rich and the idle is erratic to the point it will jump from about 1100 down to 500 and try and die.. when it finally warms up, it will die.. so I try removing the engine coolant temp sensor, still runs the same. I remove the ISC and it idles higher and wont die. the pintle is making sounds on shutoff. So I return to the AFM.. I pull the afm and the idle goes perfect to 700 (I am JDM 7mge) and now I have a code 24, and I think 31 (AFM), would you think that the AFM would also cuase running rich? I am hoping replacement of AFM will fix both.? am I barking up the wrong tree?