Recently my N/A 87 with 225,xxx has been spiking randomly in temperature (gague wise) and buring about 4 quarts of oil every 8 or so miles (I hate to buy oil just to get to school and back 'safely') can my engine temp. affect my oil pressure and consumption that heavly? After I replace the thermostat should it be fine? Upon startup the car will idle at 500 rmps and almost stall when revved sometimes it will even idle around 1k and drop to 200 when revved, but after holding the gas for about 2-3 seconds the sttering suscide attempt ends and it jumps up to 3k as if it is perfectly fine. Afterwards it just settles into a regular idle. After cashing in a gift card oil change I was told I had a slight oil pan gasket leak, could this be the source of my dissappearing oil? When the cap is removed there is smoke, about a lit ciggerttes worth, But no puddle in the driveway at all. Any ideas?