Code 14 and bad idle


New Member
Sep 30, 2008
I just got the MAFT Pro installed along with a few other mods and I am having a couple problems. All wire connections were soldered and heat shrinked.

First problem is the car wont idle steady. The RPMs will bounce back and forth from 400 to 900. I checked for vacuum leaks and found none other than the ISC valve, which is no longer connected the the accordian tube, so I blocked that off but still no good. AFR bounces between 14 and 20. If I try to give it any throttle it bogs down and tries to die. Is this a MAFT problem, fuel problem, or something else?

Second is code 14. The IGT wire is in good shape from ignitor to ecu and the white wire from the MAFT pro is spliced into it. Could my ignitor be bad? Or is it something with the MAFT?

My settings:

Version 5.08
Config mode
Veh sel: 0
# of Cyl: 6
Displ: 3.0
Airfl mode: Speed den.
MAP source: GM 3bar
Load srce: use MAP
Baro mode: Read at key on
F out mode: Supra MK3
V out 1 mode: Set max
V out 2 mode: set max
AFR srce: Innovate LC1
F in mode: none
AUX 1 mode: aux trig off
FlowErr mode: SD/MAF

System Setup
SPK base: 0
Use VE table: 2
FE smooth: 30
AF TRdelay: 0
TM correct: 1.27
TM base: 0
F out max:0
Hi Ld pt: 143
Mi Ld pt: 100.1
Lo Ld pt: 36.4
Afterstart: 0
V out 2 max: 3.600
V out 1 max: 2.500
Main scale: -2.5

TPS Enrich: .50
TPS Decay: .80
TB size: 7
MAP enrich: .4
MAP Decay: .80
MAP TPS min: .500

MP is ~83 at key on, and bounces between 30 and 60 at the extreme rough idle.

My mods:
550cc injectors, FFIM w/ Q45 TB, Aeromotive AFPR @ 43PSI, Walbro 255

Thanks for helping.


Formerly black87turbo
Apr 27, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
your idle FP should be closer to 32....granted that wont help solve your problem. I just got rid of my code 14 with my maft-pro. If 14 is one of your problems then from my experience you are experiencing a delicate wiring situation. Does your car almost stall out when you touch the 10 pin harness?. if it does than here is what you do: Unplug the 10 pin harness and look at the white wire (IGF) coming off the maft-pro. For some reason that pin was substantially larger than the rest of them. Squeeze it together to make it tighter and insert it back in....clear your code and when you start it, you should immediately see a drastic improvement in idle. Just sharing my experience with very similar symptoms! Hope that helps. Everything else looks good, except TB size.....i changed mine to 9 and change your mainscale to -10 as the 550s should provide enough fuel.
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I was spoolin :(
Mar 1, 2009
Try your vehicle sel at 2...i assume your fp is @ 43 with vac off...the isc is not supposed to be blocked off at least put a filter on it...where is your map t'd into,check for vacuum leaks..30-60 is too low at idle supposed to be in the 90's probably due to a bad vaccum.


Jul 13, 2005
Jacksonville, FL 32277
boosted2085;1360821 said:
Try your vehicle sel at 2...i assume your fp is @ 43 with vac off...the isc is not supposed to be blocked off at least put a filter on it...where is your map t'd into...20-30 is too low at idle supposed to be in the 90's

Not sure what your saying should be "90". NOT MAP! Not at Idle! More like 36-50.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Indeed, if you're referring to MP it shouldn't really be at or above ambient (83kPa in the OP's case) unless the car is off (it's reading ambient air pressure then) or you're close to or at WOT or you're boosting. OP, at 83kPa while the car is off ambient I presume you're in the mountains?

OP, reconnect the PCV... it's there for a good reason and no, it's not just "emissions crap".

As always, fix ANY and ALL codes FIRST.

How are you running this setup? Is the ECU still controlling the fueling (Is the stock O2 sensor still connected?). Have you done any tuning? Definitely pull more from the mainscale.


New Member
Sep 30, 2008
CRE;1361314 said:
Indeed, if you're referring to MP it shouldn't really be at or above ambient (83kPa in the OP's case) unless the car is off (it's reading ambient air pressure then) or you're close to or at WOT or you're boosting. OP, at 83kPa while the car is off ambient I presume you're in the mountains?

OP, reconnect the PCV... it's there for a good reason and no, it's not just "emissions crap".

As always, fix ANY and ALL codes FIRST.

How are you running this setup? Is the ECU still controlling the fueling (Is the stock O2 sensor still connected?). Have you done any tuning? Definitely pull more from the mainscale.

Elevation here is just under 1 mile (~5,200)

I have the pcv hoses routed to the intake tube, all thats disconnected is the ISC hose. I am running an FFIM with out provisions for an EGR so I dont have that. Is it safe to run the vacuum from the ISC to the hoses from the top of the valve covers? With the ISC hose un-blocked the car wont idle.

I have the OEM O2 connected to the ECU, WB O2 is connected to the MAFT only. No tuning has been done yet, I am trying to fix the code before I do any tuning like you recommended.

About how much should I pull from the mainscale? I have it set at -10 as of right now.

The 10 pin harness does not seem to be sensitive to movement, but I tried tightening the pin to see if that helped but no good. I also swapped in an ignitor that I know is good and that made no difference.

Thanks for the elp guys.
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Formerly black87turbo
Apr 27, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
Captain;1361528 said:
Elevation here is just under 1 mile (~5,200)

I have the pcv hoses routed to the intake tube, all thats disconnected is the ISC hose. I am running an FFIM with out provisions for an EGR so I dont have that. Is it safe to run the vacuum from the ISC to the hoses from the top of the valve covers? With the ISC hose un-blocked the car wont idle.

I have the OEM O2 connected to the ECU, WB O2 is connected to the MAFT only. No tuning has been done yet, I am trying to fix the code before I do any tuning like you recommended.

About how much should I pull from the mainscale? I have it set at -10 as of right now.

The 10 pin harness does not seem to be sensitive to movement, but I tried tightening the pin to see if that helped but no good. I also swapped in an ignitor that I know is good and that made no difference.

Thanks for the elp guys. definitely do not want to run the ISC to the valve covers! Here is how you are supposed to route it: You need 3 separate fittings coming off the catch can, one fitting will go to valve covers, the other will go to the intake pipe, and the last fitting should go to a good source of vacuum at or right behind the throttle body. I actually need to do this to my car as well as I had my dipstick blow out on me at 13 psi.... Search for PCV system and I.J.s post will come up with the picture. Your mainscale is ok at as far as your code 14...double check the IGF and IGT wires, check for continuity, etc....Also you do not want to block off the can put a breather filter on it or just route it back to the intake pipes as it does stock.


New Member
Sep 30, 2008
I saw IJs setup and am looking for a good check valve at the moment. I have the valve covers going to a catch can and then to the intake pipe for now. I hope to have the rest of the PCV system setup before I do any real driving with the car.

Also you do not want to block off the ISC.....
With out it blocked off the car wont idle. Any ideas why or could the code 14 be causing all of this?

I will have to check IGF and see how that connection is.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Captain;1361528 said:
I have the OEM O2 connected to the ECU, WB O2 is connected to the MAFT only. No tuning has been done yet, I am trying to fix the code before I do any tuning like you recommended.

Ok.... have you disabled PTT? Please post all the settings from the PT Tracking section in the MAFT Pro... Then look here for more info on the settings and how to ensure it's disabled: Pro/MAFT Pro Online Guide/Manual 5.x.php

Captain;1361528 said:
About how much should I pull from the mainscale? I have it set at -10 as of right now.

Well, how much larger are the injectors? The stockers are approx 440cc, yours are 550cc, so the difference is ~25%. So, pull 25%. Do keep in mind that fuel pressure can also shift how much fuel is being delivered. Are the injectors rated 550cc/min @ 43psi?


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Oh, and would you mind also posting your settings Min TPS, Min RPS and Min load in the AFR Tracking section.


New Member
Sep 30, 2008
From AFR tracking:
min tps: 4.9
min rps (I assume you mean RPM): 3200
min load: 166.4

From PTT
Idl TPS: 0
IDL RPM: 640
IDL A/F: 13.5
Cruise TPS: 0
Cruise RPM: 2560
Cruise load: 91
Cruise A/F: 14.5
Lean load: 84.5
Lean delay: 10
Lean A/F: 16
Gain: 15
Enabl. Delay: 95

I left all of the PTT settings alone since I figured I was going to be using the OEM O2 sensor. Was that wrong? I did go back and make sure the IDL TPS was 0 to turn it off though.

Injectors are RC 550s. I dont recall what FP that is rated at, I will have to check.

I feel stupid asking this but -25% would display as -25 on the MAFT Pro right?

Still a little confused on the Vehicle selection in the config. menu. The manuals say 0 but some people say 2. What is #2 anyways?

Thanks again.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Wait... just saw this, you've got the ISC blocked off?! Uh... it needs air. Put a filter on it if you don't want to plumb it to the intake piping. This and the mainscale are probably the problem.

Ok, you've got all the AFR tracking features disabled. Good, so you're not starting a fight between the ECU and the MAFT Pro... that's one common problem out of the way. However, you might want to consider turning on the WOT AFT Tracking while you're getting used to this system... just some added insurance. You can either just try to get the settings "just right" so that the MAFT Pro starts tracking when the ECU stops or you could use the ETPS feature... Right now you should probably leave the ETPS out of the equations though. Set the Min TPS for about 2.8v, Min RPM for about 2500, Min Load for about 120kPa (I'm not entirely sure if this is correct though, so try it and if the car behaves oddly when you start boosting raise it up a bit). Set the Lean Limit to 10% and the Rich limit to 25%. Set the gain to about 5 and then set all of the target AFR values for 12.5 or a bit richer. These settings should keep you nice and safe as you learn all of this. Then once you've got all the other bugs worked out you can worry about tuning your high load map.... still, do go easy on it.

Yes, mainscale value = %.

I'm a bit out of the loop... I'm on a vacation of sorts. I have no idea where vehicle select 2 came from.... never had a problem with 0 though so I'd just stick with it unless you find a definite reason not to.

Good luck with your project!


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Here, this may be helpful as a general guideline for you:

AFR Landscape.jpg

Actually, while you're working on tuning everything else you might want to set the AFR Tracking for as rich as 11.5.

Hope you get your problems resolved.

I'm off like pants!!!!