COD Black Ops (ps3) - who's down?


Authorized Vendor
Mar 30, 2005
Well we had good times playing modern warfare 2 in the i am hoping the usuals have the new game and are willing to get start our small matches once again....

So who is down? hoping for moy, jon, etc.


WTF did he just wright ?
Aug 5, 2005
Victoria BC
addd me guys nashmann

i am like bullet pinata some time's shoot every thing but the bad guy crazy what beer can do hahaha
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New Member
Jul 30, 2009
Clarksville TN
I'm down. Shaker313. NashMan knows how I play.....I am usually in the top 3 of TDM. I don't usually play the other games on there. Once in awhile I indulge in some Domination, and free for all. I am always on after 7:30 or 8 PM Central Time


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
NashMan;1644284 said:
^what black ops

mp is fun single is not so great

Yes Black ops for the PS3. Horrible horrible game. Some one didn't do their job or do ENOUGH of their job. The graphics are grainy and rough, and the movement is far from life like.
Don't even get me started on grenades that sound like M80s or the fact that your character has a forearm like Peter Griffin's.


New Member
Jul 30, 2009
Clarksville TN
NashMan;1644229 said:
camper haha j/k

Dont hate man...... you came in when I was playing Combat Training. I am wanting to max everything out on that. I know it doesn't mean crap on the game, but, I like to work on doing it all.


Tropical Paradise
Sep 22, 2005
Puerto Rico
I'm on Xbox :/

By the way, I agree that the actual MP just doesn't feel as fun as MW2. The campaign is freaking great and the zombies thing is almost as fun as Left 4 Dead, but the MP pisses me off. I think it's the terrible spawn points and the inconsistency of the guns.


WTF did he just wright ?
Aug 5, 2005
Victoria BC
i can care less for gfx's i been thouhg the phase from 486 dx to dual core now it really does not bother me fuck i still play 8 bit games ahahhaa


New Member
Jul 30, 2009
Clarksville TN
Inygknok;1644424 said:
I'm on Xbox :/

By the way, I agree that the actual MP just doesn't feel as fun as MW2. The campaign is freaking great and the zombies thing is almost as fun as Left 4 Dead, but the MP pisses me off. I think it's the terrible spawn points and the inconsistency of the guns.

The guns are very consistent! Always missing! lol. and I agree completely on the spawn points. I got killed and ended up spawning between 4 people.... which would have been great....IF THEY WERE ON MY TEAM! LMAO

This is for the general population on this next rant.

Which in turn makes people pay a little more attention to gameplay rather then staring at rich graphics which doesn't mean crap when you are playing against 5, 11, or 17 other people. I don't get why people are so mad about the graphics on the MP portion of the game!? That area was made to be played by a million people at a time, and not get lagged down by every single person wanting full graphics power with no delays or anything like that. If you want a perfect first person shooter with no delays and is super rich in graphics, try real life military.... if you want to have fun and play with hundreds of thousands of other people then stop bitching about graphics and play the damn game. They focused on graphics for the Campaign..... where one maybe two people are playing at one time..... Not 700,000 people. plus the game was $64 ( depending on which version you got )..... its not virtual reality..... people need to understand this.

I will admit there are still a ton of bugs to fix mainly with the lagging ( like when I stab someone in the back and they turn around and stab me and kill me )....but the game is brand new, give it a few weeks for them to get things working right and it will probably end up better then MW2 was as far as gameplay in the MP.


WTF did he just wright ?
Aug 5, 2005
Victoria BC
empera;1643902 said:
Well we had good times playing modern warfare 2 in the i am hoping the usuals have the new game and are willing to get start our small matches once again....

So who is down? hoping for moy, jon, etc.

kinda need a user name there bud


Supramania Contributor
The following article from a website I frequent explains how terrible of a job Treyarch did on this game. I agree and had to laugh at some of the stuff when I played this game on a friends console. I will not buy it.

"Black Ops Weapons
December 2nd, 2010

Being a ‘Tactical’ Fanboy, there’s something that’s been bothering me a bit: What’s up with the weapons in CoD: Black Ops? It’s like the devs over at Treyarch were salivating over some 1970s issues of Soldier of Fortune, said to hell with the game’s 1960s setting, and decided that Vietnam was fought with AKS-74Us and Galils. To Treyarch’s credit, there’s plenty of period appropriate weaponry, but for every M16 and M72 LAW there’s a FAMAS and Beretta 686 White Onyx double barreled shotgun just waiting to be picked up. Seriously, a hunting shotgun?!? Treyarch, what the hell?

And don’t get me started on the lame-ass “I can haz prototype?” excuse. Just because real life black operatives may have fielded advanced equipment and weaponry doesn’t excuse the use of MP5ks with modern-esque red dot sights, roughly a decade before the MP5 was even produced and reflex sights were patented. I also had to laugh at the following:

-NVA soldiers wielding SPAS-12 shotguns
-Every magnified gun scope is called an ACOG, even with the SUSAT and Swarovski scope
-Masterkey shotguns and flamethrower underbarrel attachments. Too early for the former, and the later never existed
-Any number of weapons even being in the game, including, but not limited to, the AUG and G11 rifles, CZ75 pistol, Strela-3 launcher, Spectre M4, ete.
-Other anachronisms and errors on their part

It’s fine that the devs wanted to put a little variety into the weapon selection, but a flimsy excuse is still a flimsy excuse.

In conclusion, there’s a big difference between being somewhat realistic with weapon variety, and making weapons available decades before they would be otherwise. Despite my ranting, I don’t mind using an HK-21 or Uzi in the game, but I’d rather Treyarch just own up and admit they did it because they could, not because of some lame ‘prototype’ excuse.

-Tactical FanBoy"


Metal Head
Sep 29, 2009
akron/canton, ohio
CTsupra;1645447 said:
The following article from a website I frequent explains how terrible of a job Treyarch did on this game. I agree and had to laugh at some of the stuff when I played this game on a friends console. I will not buy it.

"Black Ops Weapons
December 2nd, 2010

Being a ‘Tactical’ Fanboy, there’s something that’s been bothering me a bit: What’s up with the weapons in CoD: Black Ops? It’s like the devs over at Treyarch were salivating over some 1970s issues of Soldier of Fortune, said to hell with the game’s 1960s setting, and decided that Vietnam was fought with AKS-74Us and Galils. To Treyarch’s credit, there’s plenty of period appropriate weaponry, but for every M16 and M72 LAW there’s a FAMAS and Beretta 686 White Onyx double barreled shotgun just waiting to be picked up. Seriously, a hunting shotgun?!? Treyarch, what the hell?

And don’t get me started on the lame-ass “I can haz prototype?” excuse. Just because real life black operatives may have fielded advanced equipment and weaponry doesn’t excuse the use of MP5ks with modern-esque red dot sights, roughly a decade before the MP5 was even produced and reflex sights were patented. I also had to laugh at the following:

-NVA soldiers wielding SPAS-12 shotguns
-Every magnified gun scope is called an ACOG, even with the SUSAT and Swarovski scope
-Masterkey shotguns and flamethrower underbarrel attachments. Too early for the former, and the later never existed
-Any number of weapons even being in the game, including, but not limited to, the AUG and G11 rifles, CZ75 pistol, Strela-3 launcher, Spectre M4, ete.
-Other anachronisms and errors on their part

It’s fine that the devs wanted to put a little variety into the weapon selection, but a flimsy excuse is still a flimsy excuse.

In conclusion, there’s a big difference between being somewhat realistic with weapon variety, and making weapons available decades before they would be otherwise. Despite my ranting, I don’t mind using an HK-21 or Uzi in the game, but I’d rather Treyarch just own up and admit they did it because they could, not because of some lame ‘prototype’ excuse.

-Tactical FanBoy"

THis kinda pissed me off too. THere were a lot of guns in that game that didnt come out til the last 20 or 30 years. THey should have stuck with the m16, ak 47, m60, THompson SMG, m14, SKS, Fn/FAL and some other period correct weapons. Im pretty sure the m203 didnt even come into existence till the Gulf War.