blitzmkiii said:
I just got home me and a buddy of mine were cruisin around and i rolled up on a cobalt ss it was a dude and his chic i just drove passed him i guess he thought oh lets sho out in front of my girlfriend so i can get laid tonite he gunned it got right up beside me started reving it up i could tell he was almost at the end of his gear im in third so i drop it to 2nd and blow off that really got his attention he was really ready now my buddy counts 1 2 3 go we take off i put a car on him before i shift to 3rd and then my pull stops i shift to 4th and pull another car then 5th another car then i let out his girlfriend comes by and gives me the finger and then they turn off how rude she was just mad that my POS beat his brand new car lmfao I LOVE IT!!!
that's hillarious... i love that too... and, i don't mean to steal the spotlight, but i've got a very similar story...
so i rolled up behind a 300zx (n/a 94 ish) and the guy waves at me, like let's go, i wasn't sure though until he took off, i was behind him, so after i saw him step on his gas, i downshifted to second and floored it too (we were doin about 30 after leaving a light) i was behind him, and by the end of 2nd gear i was 2 car lengths or so ahead, and 3rd i was simply gone... now my friend was following me on a motorcycle... i made a yellow light and he and the z got stuck at the light... he was beside, and the guy had his windows down, and apparently his grl with him, anyhow, my friend heard the whole conversation, and i about died laughin when he told me... so, pretty much the guy in the z said "baby, i coulda taken him, but i didn't wanna endanger your life" and so on and so forth, it was just hillarious, because he had no chance whatsoever, unless i blew my motor on the spot
good kill tho
gotta love beatin cars that are worth 5+ times as much as yours, lol, and even better when his girl's w/ him