Caution... this post contains spoilers. If you're really worried about that, you should have seen the damn film already.
Decent film. The camera work was fucking annoying. The extra bits of love story cuts in the middle were a big wtf - camcorders don't operate that way, dumbass. The starting 'credits' said it was retrieved from a memory card - I'd like to know where the hell you can buy a memory card that gives you 80 minutes of video footage. Plus the guys in the movie were referring to the tape - maybe they were just ignorant, who knows. Oh, and that has got to be the toughest god damn video camera ever built, it took some serious beating and keep on running fine.
The helicopter pilot was an idiot. Darwin was right on the money with him.
The thing that I liked about it was the way it leaves you with enough evidence to figure out a whole lot more than what was directly shown. Like for instance... they cannot have nuked it, because the EMP would have wiped the camcorder. They must have pushed it back, or beaten it, because otherwise the army wouldn't have been searching in the rubble for video cameras. The phrase 'formerly known as Central Park' leads you to believe that it's not there anymore, at least not in any way that you would refer to as a park. They already bombed the shit out of it, with zero effect, so wtf was next - what would the president consider an 'intermediate' step between carpet bombing and going nuclear? Vx gas?
Oh, and the Iron man trailer rocked.