
Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
Alright - So if the Bama folks are leaving on Thursday night, staying in a hotel late that evening into Friday morning, then I assume that means you'll be officially heading 'for Chicago' Friday morning? If so, this would work out perfectly.

I plan to head out on Friday morning, arrive in Chicago in the morning, make it on time for the cruise and then Drag racing starts at 5:00PM.

So...with that said, Dave & Chris, what are your guys' plans?

I'm sure Dave will read this before Chris ever would, but did you guys figure out the issue with Chris' smoking issue? He better make it this year....along with your white 90. :biglaugh:

We need organization! It worked out well last year, as the people driving from the south came up 65, Indianapolis is right by 65, meet at an exit, and ride the rest of the way up 65 to 90/94 in Illinois.


(317)395-8362 if you have any brilliant ideas. :biglaugh:


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Well it's gonna take me about 13 hours to get there. I'm leaving here probably around 7-8 ish, and will drive through the night, to try to be there by about 8 am with no hotel stop. I don't want to miss anything, and I'd like a chance to get to meet a few folks before things start happening.

Yes...This plan involves plenty of Red Bull or Rock Star through the night.

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
Okay...So you're not stopping at a Louisville hotel or anything for the night?

I think that is what Jay and Vonda's plans were...?


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
No, I got an extra 250 miles or so than Jay and Vonda. I wish I had time to stop for the night. And I think they are also leaving in the morning instead of after work that day. I'm gonna come home and eat with the family, and wish my kids a happy 1st day of school the next day. If I left straight from work, it would be 5-6 am whe I got there.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
I'm still just leaving early Saturday from the Northside of Indy if any stragglers are going to be going through about that time. Just follow the white sedan w/ the ricer wing/scoop.

Any idea what time the drags 'stop'? Oh, and Jeff, How much for you to hook me up w/ a Garmin?


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Jeff, we are going to be in Chicago Thursday night and not friday morning. I still dont' know if I'm going to go by Dave's house or not. I was thinking about degreeing my cams at his house, but I won't be able to tune it before the drag races. I may see if he wants to degree them friday morning before the dynos, but I'm going to try and get them dialed in at the dyno here locally so I won't have to do any degreeing. See you guys there.

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
Alright - So Jay will be out a day ahead of me, Forced Torque (Why don't I know your name yet? :)), will be making a straight shot, Matt is heading out Saturday morning, I'll be leaving Indy early Friday morning, and I'm still unsure of Dave/Chris' schedule.

Maybe I should just call. :biglaugh:

There are a few folks locally that are going to be going (most likely), and the Ohio people, are slacking this year as well...So,...anyone else?

Matt, a Garmin - I can get you for about $100 below retail...some cases cheaper...just depends on which one you're looking at. Let me know, so we can plan out this...*GIFT*, for you. ;)

And while I'm at it, since we'll be having a swap meet at Sound Performance, if anyone happens to have a decent/good shaped head laying around for a 7M-T for cheap, I'd be more than happy to take it off your hands. I've got seriou issues with my head...but at this point, I do still plan to See you guys there!
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New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
hey guys, im new on here but im really hoping to be able to make it up to chicago! car is running bad right now but i think its the afm and should be geting the new one today so we'll see how that works for it. any body from the central il area?
Yeah I'm from Bloomington/Normal. If you are interested check out Its central Illinois car enthusiasts network. Its a forum like this (we actually use vbforums also). There's only 1 other MKIII guy on there aside from me. Get on there and see if we can get a group of people heading up because I am going no matter if the supras dead or alive.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I refuse to write it in red, so that only left blue...............:icon_bigg

Only the coolest of the cool ride around in blue supras. The rest use red supras as a not so reliable means of transportation. (as I type this my car is up on jack stands with the front of the engine torn apart................:cry: )


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
Clueless said:
people and their technicality. How much for that bike....oh wait, you're online...

I'll hook you up for whats left on my loan. ~$6k Just rolled over 10k miles, just got a complete tuneup, plugs, collant, new K&N, tires, and I think that was the most of what I did. Oh, and new front brakes.


Apr 1, 2005
chris doesnt know if he can make it yet. we just pulled the head off and its at the machine shop. if everything comes back in time we might be able to get it together before the meet.

hopefully i'll still be able to make it up. bringing my son as well.

i plan on leaving late thurs night and going around the westside of chicago. EFF the open toll construction thru the southside of chicago. took us 3hrs last year to get from the southside to the northside. im going along the west side and then cutting across east to bloomingdale.

not sure if im going to drive it or trailer it yet. or if i'll be able to come at all. still waiting to find out.