JUST got home.
CHI2K7 > CHI2K6 > CHI2K5. It gets better and better every year! :biglaugh:
Wasn't able to hang around for the Show-N-Shine...
But I'd like to say it was an AWESOME time to meet a lot of you folks on here.
Decided it would be a good opportunity and 'rubitinyourface' type of deal to have a "Supramania" picture taken. A basic callout of the people that DIDN'T come. :nono:
People driving from 'Bama, Jersey, Mississippi, places MUCH, MUCH further than most of you would ever drive...yet there were people on here realistically considered -LOCAL- that didn't show up.
Either way, it was an awesome turnout, and even without my A70, I had an awesome time.
GLD...Eh...That was about what I expected...but there were just too many cars to try to get through. SP's (let off, but still) 8 second pass was :runaway: :biglaugh:
Dyno...Well...I think two, maybe three, A70's hit the rollers...these two being cars that weren't even running A-1, exactly...but that's okay.
There's.....*heh em*......Always next year. :x:
Great fun! I'll try to get some more pic's uploaded, meanwhile,
here is the SM snapshot I got.
Also - This would be the FIRST meet I've ever been to in recorded history that I've seen more than 4 MKII's there..........Way to represent the MKII crowd.

Too bad someone couldn't have been there to really tip the cup over on the MKII attendance. :icon_conf We missed having ya, Matt...
I'd be the Flyin' Hawaiian on the far right. :love: