ROFL!! its ok you didn't film it i can imagine it. that looks so incredibly cumbersome. at least for that guy. no interior? it seems like he could just sit down and grab the
I have that beat though if you think the lambos on a honda station wagon is rice crap... if not thats fine, it just made me think of another outrageous modification...
SADLY I have no actual picture, but it was horrible...
picture it in your head;
A white honda civic hatchback sitting in a safeway parking lot.
at the first glance at the front of the car, you see a lot of white, more than your mind thinks should be on a civic. you look away.
Then you look back, and see some sort of white material SCREWED on to the front bumper, creating a wall in front of ALL the possible air inlets to the engine.
It looked basically like this, only worse, and with shitty stock rims without hubcaps... :3d_frown::3d_frown::3d_frown::3d_frown: