check out this gauge cluster


Beach Bum
Mar 2, 2006
Cheatham County, TN
From Left to Right:
AEM Uego wideband
(Two Green Turn Signal led's)
(Blue Bright Light Indicator led)
(Red led, t.b.d. - shift light?)
Coolant Temp
(Bottom) Fuel Pressure
Oil Pressure
Fuel Level

They're Autometer Cobalt's :bling:
LOL !! Now all I need is oil temp, egt, & a mod-money-meter

Supra Junky 101

89 1JZ.
Apr 4, 2005
That is my gauge pod on ebay, I listed it for sale on SupraForums for OVER 6 months and no body was willing to pay so I put it on ebay. I will not sell it to someone if they intend to replicate it. I bought it as a rare one off peice, aswell as the other parts that kyle was generous enough to make for me. He spent ALOT of hardwork on it, It may not seem like it but there was ALOT of work put into that cluster and I don't want to see it everywhere.

If anyone is intrested, seriously intrested. Email me at


Apr 6, 2005
theWeezL said:
Well first of all, do you own a WeezLWing? no, didnt think so. I went through alot of trouble to make these available to other members of this forum.

First off, I have a hardtop car and a sunroof car, so I have no need for a weezlwing. I think it's really original and I appreciate you making something new for the community and taking the trouble to learn something new.

My whole point is that many people on the forums want everything handed to them without taking the time to learn a new skill or work on something.

Yaitsme took the time to learn a new skill and ended up with a sweet looking cluster that NOBODY else has. And you know what the coolest part is? He made it himself.

I'm all for people making new things and selling them, that's fine with me. I'm NOT down with somebody replicating something like this cluster that could be easily done with a dremel and a little fiberglass. I appreciate innovation, not imitation. I know full well about having things made in china, as I have a zoon downpipe and have seen what products he will be coming out with soon.

My beef with all this is that some people are so quick to cry "replicate" instead of making something themselves or being creative. I'm pretty sure everybody can back me up on this.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Well, again you missed the point. If it werent for replication you wouldnt have that zoon DP. If it werent for replication none of us would be driving a Supra, We would all have hand made one off cars.

I understand what you are saying, but I also believe you are being unrealistic. Mass production is what makes everything affordable. Are you saying that (if you had a targa in this hypotheitcal scenario) if you wanted a targa brace that I should tell you, "No, go learn how to fabricate and make your own if you want one" ?

I certainly dont think everything should just be replicated. But I make the distinction between the two at this line: If someone is already making more than one "something", then maybe you should leave it alone. If its a one off you happen to get your hands on, there is a market for it, and you have the ability to reproduce it for a larger population, then I think it prefectly acceptable. How do you think companies like Shine Auto make a profit? They do a certain amount of replication. I also know that they draw a line of distinction between ripping someone elses work off and providing the community with reasonably priced aftermarket products. Lets face it there are very few original ideas out there.

Anyway, since I was the first person to post, "buy it and replicate it" I felt I should defend why I think thats perfectly acceptable in this case.


Apr 6, 2005
theWeezL said:
Well, again you missed the point. If it werent for replication you wouldnt have that zoon DP. If it werent for replication none of us would be driving a Supra, We would all have hand made one off cars.

I draw the line at replicating one person's unique creation. The DDP wasn't randy's unique idea and zoon was merely providing a popular item at a fair price.

Also, if I did have a targa car I'd be more likely to make my own targa bars and make them more like the ones ProjectSupra made back in the day.

Toyota did not "replicate" their own car, they produced it. It was THEIR idea, THEIR design, THEIR car.

You can say whatever you like, but I don't think anybody will ever successfully replicate this gauge cluster, the market just isn't there. If somebody does, they'll probably lose money and lose the respect of many of the members on this board. And for what? Something that people could've made themselves.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Zach said:
Toyota did not "replicate" their own car, they produced it. It was THEIR idea, THEIR design, THEIR car.

Oh really? Toyota invented the wheel did they? The Automobile was invented by Toyota? It was "their idea" ? Well perhaps certain portions of it were their own and perhaps even unique, but it was cetainly far from being "their own idea". Nearly everything is based off something else. There are very few original ideas...PERIOD!

Also, you said if you did have a targa you would build your own bar and pattern it after ProjectSupra's design. If I'm following you correctly you make the distinction that that is ok, so long as you are not making a bunch of them to sell and profit from. Do I have that correct? If thats what it takes to make you feel like you accomplished a "mod" to your car, I find that quite admirable. I think you should continue to think that way.

I however am going to continue to buy a certain number of "mass produced products" because quite simply, it all comes down to money. I personally dont have the budget to design my own cams, front facing intake, IC pipes, electronic boost controller, turbo timer, gauges/gauge pods etc. All of which were at one time, a one off...that is now being mass produced cheaper and I can obtain these parts for much less cost than learning a trade skill and producing them myself.

I think before you jump dopwn off that horse of yours ya just might want to take stock off how many items you own that fall into that catagory.

But, you have your opinion and I have mine. I will agree to disagree, and unsubscribe from this thread.

Supra Junky 101

89 1JZ.
Apr 4, 2005
theWeezL said:
Anyway, since I was the first person to post, "buy it and replicate it" I felt I should defend why I think thats perfectly acceptable in this case.

Than if you beleive that everything custom should be replicated, it goes to show that you can't think on your own.

The point of a custom peice is that someone makes it, because they want it. It's an original design, something they thought up and had the skills to make.

I will not sell this peice to someone who is going to replicate it, plain and simple

And... Your targa bars are the most god awful looking thing I've ever seen on a Supra, bar none.



Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
BoostedFloto said:
just a quick innocent question.... would you care if someone bought one of your weezlwings and replicated it and sold it on the cheap in mass quantities? just curious....

I would have absolutely no problem with it. I already stated a long time ago that what I made is whats being made by me. Im done with it. If someone felt like going through the hassel of reproducing it only to find that there is no market for it, let em. Less than 25 were made total and even that was too much for the typical mk3 owners.

I said I was done with this thread but you asked me personally a valid question.

As to the other person who posted his opinion of my work...I wont even bother a responce.

And yes mods, I think the thread served its purpose and beyond. I agree it needs to be locked


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
unique peices like that should not be mass produced-Im with selling to someone who will put it to good use. I understand the people who would like to replicate things, but do so with something not so original.


Yes, powerful Jedi....
Apr 4, 2005
Hoschton, GA
Buy it and mass produce it.......
You'll lose money doing it, but do it anyways............. :bigthumb:

Everything is copy or modification of something else. As the Weezl said, there are VERY few original ideas out there.

I'll win the eBay auction and sell it back to the owner for $10000 because it's a one off piece and the original owner doesn't want me to copy it......:evil2:


Feb 8, 2006
Virginia beach
if the intentions are to supply the community with a piece not everyone can make or have time, etc etc then HELL YEA COPY IT!!

just cuz some of you did it the first time and came out with a great product doesn't mean anyone can do it.

i mean if the intentions are just to plainly RIP off the other guy and just fuk him over becuase the replicator wants more money or w/e then no u shudnt copy it.

if the intentions are right do it.