Clip, that's sick. How the hell do you find something like that?
HellsLegion said:
Oh I thought thoes were your houses!
Yeah Im sure the homeowners association was up their asses.... i hate homeowners associations. Thank goodness I dont have one =P
HOA's FTW. People are just too stupid. Come to Fremont. There are some people with absolutely no taste, they pick colors that should never be even considered for houses, things like bright green or pink trim, ridiculous combos, even a guy with a RICH, bright yellow paintjob with reddish brown trim, with the trees & bushes in the yard all grown up. Its hideous. He needs te be part of an HOA to limit his color choices lol. And some people are just so trashy, they leave shit in front of their houses and don't keep up on maintainance and stuff. They need to be slapped around by an HOA a bit...
Seriously, those are frikkin gorgeous houses. And damn that place is green! And what's with the huge lots and tons of space? Geez!