Went ahead and got myself a fusible link at the parts store and made my own jumper wire. When i put 12V to the IG SW terminal in the ECU everything got power like it should. Therefore, thanks alot for saving me from wasting money on a new ECU!
I then took the jumper out and went and looked over the part of the harness I repaired that melted to the EGR pipe to see if there were any other wires that had damage i may have missed, but they all were fine. Then I had the idea to turn my key to the on position and wiggle the ign sw wires under the steering column and watching the MIL to see if it came on. It did not.
Then I decided to test the IGN fuse in the kick panel with a multimeter this time instead of a test light. I didnt even get the negative lead on a ground yet and the MIL came on just from me barely pushing on the fuse! I was estatic, but still very confused because i wiggled that fuse and even held it in tight while trying to start it multiple times when the car first stalled and it didnt help. So I have one theory: The wire that grounded out on the EGR pipe now being removed from the pipe and fixed made the difference and allowed power to the fuse. But what are the odds of that?
Don't worry Nick I still know I have the issue with the loose connections at the ECU, but I believe that is a seperate issue, and only happens when I tug at the ECU wires. I believe the intermittent ground and the stalling issue I am experiencing is in fact from the IGN fuse and/or the melted spot on the harness. I want to fix the fuse issue and properly secure the harness and see if that takes care of the problem. If it does I'm hoping if I just stay away from tugging at the ECU wires I can ignore that.
Does anyone have a solution to make the fuse fit tighter in the fuse box? the fuse box is missing the top metal prong so it doesn't fit snug. Temporarily I bent the fuse prongs in opposite directions a bit to make it fit tighter. But I'm wondering about a more permanent solution such as adding a new factory metal piece to the fuse box (no idea where to find one, or if it can be done) or just breaking off a couple other fuse prongs off some unused ones and soldering them to my fuse lol????