changing dash needle color.....

Sorry guys, I missed all these posts.

The LEDs in the needles are 0603 package - pretty much the brightest & smallest package I could find at 1.6 x 0.8 x 0.6 mm (LxWxH) and 180mcd they seemed the best option for the space.

The speedo is the worst gauge due to te clock spring at the front of the assembly.

The clock buttons are made from plexiglass/perspex - just milled them down on a bench grinder to start then perfected shape with wet & dry and polished it up.

Had to open up the holes in the face plate to oblong as, the stock buttons have round shafts.

LEDs placed inside the switch panel then illuminate through the buttons - again fiddly but looks cool and you can find the buttons! Need to do the same on my digidash now - will do the twin trip buttons and fuel scale one too, will take more pictures this time if it would help?

I want to mod the fuel scale change so it latches too - stupid thing only stays up for few seconds before going back to standard display - even better if i can mod it to change to the lower scale automatically when gas light comes on.

have already re-lit the digidash scales with LEDs.


Few other bits too - sorry slightly off topic but, still lighting anyways!



Keeps me off the streets!
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