^It's a little up in the air still; but, in our crew there's talk of heading over to the I-90/I-5 Junction to meet up with anyone coming from the north. Right now there are 4 definite's and two more possible's.
Jayhall;1566297 said:well right now it me myself and I. So that should be an easy meet up. Lets keep in touch and get this straightened out
tsupranami;1566350 said:We are planning to roll over with Kenny and the rest of the KPR crew, or at least meet up in SeaTac area with everyone for the trip down I-5.
Hey Kenny, you don't go through Crackima to get over there do you? If you, or anyone else, wanted to go by way of Vantage, we could meet at my place before we roll out. LMK...
gottadiesel;1568142 said:Kenny is only person I have met on here so far (looking fwd to seeing you and that nice machine again)
TurboToy-R;1567334 said:Heya, I might be able to come from the Island, I feel like going on a random road tripJayhall, when are you heading down from Surrey? might be able to meet up with you and travel together.
Give my cell a ring: 250-709-7215
ma70suprawoner;1570379 said:hey i was wondering if there are any supra owners clubs in oregon.. just wanting to hang with people who have an interest in supra any one have any ideas???????