Career thread!


scratch that...going 2jz
Jun 26, 2006
United States
(Not yet getting paid but working on it lol) Formula race car driver

experience: training since age 9

current education: high school drop out(not by my choosing...kinda.too long to explain)

needed education to go all the way: possibly a engineering degree but not required


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Education: Private Boarding School from 1993 to 2000 - St Christopher School, Letchworth, Hertfordshire.

A Levels in:

Physics (A/B borderline)
Mathematics (A)
Computing (A)
Electronics (A)

Advanced GNVQ in Business (Merit)

BA & MA in Law from London Metropolitan University

In the past year, i've worked for:

Blockbuster Video....renting DVD's....
Marcom Telecoms as a sysadmin

And i attempted to join the police, but failed in my application as i wasn't 'pink & fluffy enough' about race relations - ie, i despise illegal immigrants sponging off our system and wasn't prepared to change my viewpoint.

Currently, i'm.....unemployed.

Not likely to find anything either - seeing as i'm white, which around here, is a fate worse than death.


World I Am Gay Blue!!!
Dec 2, 2005
Fargo ND
I work in the Admissions dept of a college!!! I have a Bachelor's degree in CJ and I am the guy people come to when they want info on the CJ program/placement/$$$!!! I enjoy my job but I am stuck in my office all day usually in an appointment or on
I am not completely happy and I want to have my own business someday???? But for now this payes the bills!!!

Stanza I help people everyday figure out hat they want to do in life if you need some info on placement, pay, and what type of schooling you will need to get a job let me know I am happy to help. My advice is to figure out what you want to do and then figure out what it takes to get there. I know Nate must make good money doing what he does with no college education, we have all seen his car, so schooling is not always the answer. If you think school is in your future tech schools are great and most will place you out of school. The universities are very academic and there is usually no guarantee on placement, but you can get a good job with a BS or a BA. In my opinion online schools are a joke!! Most employers want to see you have been in a classroom. Many employers today pull college transcripts, check credit, and do background checks. Lots of options but the biggest thing is your happness. What can you see yourself doing where you can be happy, pay a morgage, have a family, and feed a Supra addiction??? If I can help with info on anything let me know!!!!


MkII Weenie
Apr 4, 2005
Stockton, CA
Mechanical Design Engineer for a major defense company designing power train systems for new military vehicles. Before that I was in semiconductor equipment design.

aye mate

Hiatus over.
Mar 30, 2005
Right now I work on a golf course maintenance crew, been doing that since I was 15. Its great, pay isn't the best but you can get benefits and such.
With a two-year Turf grass degree I could be a course superintendent (my boss) but I opted to apply for the Fire Department. So hopefully I will becoming a firefighter in the next year or so, as soon as I pass the physical test. Its pretty competitive though.

I have a HSD and one year of Gen. Ed. from a Community College.


been here since 2003
Apr 23, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa.
education : high school drop out
work : nuclear tech ( test , repair, nuke reactors/nuke steam generators at nuke plant all over the world....
presently going to tech school for a electrical engineering degree...



2.5 Twin Turbo R
Staff member
Mar 30, 2005
Calgary, AB
da89soup said:
Stanza I help people everyday figure out hat they want to do in life if you need some info on placement, pay, and what type of schooling you will need to get a job let me know I am happy to help.

looks like im going to need to shoot you a PM sometime in the near future. :)

whenmunkysfly: how did you get into that? id love to be able to drive / race for a living but i think ill be forced to keep it as a hobby :icon_bigg

i seriously need all the help i can get. so far all i have for a plan is save for a month and quit my job and wander and hope i can get work further south closer to my brother and the rest of my family.

im suprised by the diversity of education / employment in our community. we have everything from soldiers to mail carriers. Thank you all for posting in this thread. each post you make helps show me what options are out there.

I grew up in a mining town and making oil is all i know. i hate it and how bad it is for my health and i want out but i dont know where to start looking.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
Sell cars.

i have a 2 year degree from fresno state.

pay: between 36-120k a year. base pay would be 24, but you dont make it at base pay. i have friends here who have done 12k months.


2.5 Twin Turbo R
Staff member
Mar 30, 2005
Calgary, AB
i wouldnt mind selling cars, but im too blunt and opinionated about vehicles to be any good at it :biglaugh:

i think id call things as i saw them and that might mean i wouldnt sell too many cars :(

ive been looking around and some engineering technologies (pretty much what i dropped out of about 5 months ago:biglaugh: ) seem interesting. I think i just may have picked the wrong technology. the pay is quite good in my area and so is employment opportunities.

i just need to keep looking for something that really catches my eye.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
While on break and summer I do drafting for an engineering company that does MP&E buildings. Making 3 times what I made as a life gaurd.
In college right now just crusing along, not really trying to get out but not really trying to stay in.
Was going into Comp. Engineering but found out there is no job market.
So Im going into Comp. Science: IT pro. High demand and pay is on the top 50 jobs from CNN business board.
I also enjoy computers, so thats why Im headed this way.

I will tell you this now, dont get a job that pays but you dont like it. Dont be misserable for the rest of your career cause you hate your job, boss, possition, co-workers ect. Find out what you like to do, Someone is always hiring. but it relys on how much you want the job. Beg for the job and your going to get it before someone who just puts in an app. and waits.
Show them you have the skill and you will be rewarded.


Aug 28, 2006
Baton Rouge LA
Education: High school dropout (due to kids that think guns are ok to bring to school and teachers that hated me)
Job: auto zone parts counter/sell cars that I restore/ repair.

I used to work at a solid surface shop that made granite countertops. I got tired of all the dust that i was inhaling for not much pay


Moving to Japan!!!
Nov 30, 2006
Jacksonville, NC
ive been in the marine corps for about 2 1/2 years and im an engineer....obviously with a highschool edumacation. im changing jobs in the fall to be a tanker, then when i get out im taking my GI bill and going to wyotech, and hopefully have a career in the automotive world:love: