Throughout the years of observation in the MK3 community...
- What will sell are mostly small items.
- Let's not kid ourselves with the FFIM and wide body
What I predict will sell well?
- Jz spark plug covers
- A high quality intercooler plate like the discontinued CFX style.
- targa has always been demanded. A company in San Diego claims to make it, but has no product to allow anyone to test fit.
When selecting carbon fiber parts, it is important that the parts give either practical weight savings or high visual appeal/impact. Even better if the parts provide both advantages.
Let's take door sills as an example. Practical weight savings? No. High visual appeal/impact? No (The doors are closed 99% of the time. :dunno
Let's take door panels for example. Practical weight savings? Not really. High visual appeal/impact? :bigthumb::bigthumb::bigthumb:
I'd be first in line, with a quickness. (The pictured part is of a MKIV)
- What will sell are mostly small items.
- Let's not kid ourselves with the FFIM and wide body
What I predict will sell well?
- Jz spark plug covers
- A high quality intercooler plate like the discontinued CFX style.
- targa has always been demanded. A company in San Diego claims to make it, but has no product to allow anyone to test fit.
When selecting carbon fiber parts, it is important that the parts give either practical weight savings or high visual appeal/impact. Even better if the parts provide both advantages.
Let's take door sills as an example. Practical weight savings? No. High visual appeal/impact? No (The doors are closed 99% of the time. :dunno
Let's take door panels for example. Practical weight savings? Not really. High visual appeal/impact? :bigthumb::bigthumb::bigthumb:
I'd be first in line, with a quickness. (The pictured part is of a MKIV)

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