Car starts but doesn't rev up


New Member
Mar 20, 2011
Gardiner, Maine
I am really starting to lean towards the injector seals especially if you have no codes, sounds like the exact same thing my car was doing and if the PO removed the fuel rail at all then by the sounds of his mechanic skills I would almost bet he never payed attention to the grommets on the bottom of the injector, when I pulled my rail off I had 3 grommets that were in wrong and were leaking making the car idle but die every time I let off the throttle, I don't know but I would be sure to check them out.


New Member
Feb 7, 2011
Central FL.
90mkiiisupra400hp;1734854 said:
I am really starting to lean towards the injector seals especially if you have no codes, sounds like the exact same thing my car was doing and if the PO removed the fuel rail at all then by the sounds of his mechanic skills I would almost bet he never payed attention to the grommets on the bottom of the injector, when I pulled my rail off I had 3 grommets that were in wrong and were leaking making the car idle but die every time I let off the throttle, I don't know but I would be sure to check them out.

I will definitely check this out any way to explain what is wrong and what is right?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
Just run the car at idle, have someone hold the throttle if you need to, in order to keep it running at a constant rpm.
Spray carb cleaner using the included straw(for pinpoint accuracy), and spray a small amount towards each fuel injector, one at a time, to see if the dile changes.
If not, also spray slowly around the entire intake and throttle body, above and below, to check for gasket leaks.


Zombie Chicks Are Hot
Mar 26, 2008
7 Cities, VA
Supras are never easy... but are worth it. Tracing wiring gremlins tonight. Good luck!

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New Member
Feb 7, 2011
Central FL.
Removed all cold side piping... Cleaned and replaced with same parts.. Cleaned turbo accordian pipe which I need to replace because this one has been hacked and modified and found that one of the hoses that connects from passenger side to driver side of the throttle body was crinkled almost to the point of closed and now the idle is great and there is a slight hesitation at initial throttle but it has stopped dying after revving... Now however I think I have an oil leak at the turbo which I will be hopefully addressing tomorrow and drive it some this weekend!

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