Problems with this thread:
- Bad title
- Bad grammar
- Lack of ability to use the SHIFT key
- No listed reasoning (or logic) behind actions taken
- Original poster is racing "slow assed cars". Where is he racing them, and why, exactly, when he knows there is something wrong with his car?
- No list of installed modifications to help diagnostics
- Original poster shows no ability or inclination to research
- Descriptive ability - "Slow as shit" isn't very quantifiable. "hks pos keeps fukin up" - do you have ANY idea how many parts HKS has made for this car? Last time I checked, *none* of them are called a "pos". "autolite coppers" - that narrows the field! There's only about 3000 varieties of autolite copper plugs to pick from.
- Condradictions - "no codes just 34"
shaeff is 110% correct.