I can't tell you guys how many times I've changed out alternators, starters and other electronic stuff that was fine... But the replacement was expensive, and we never told the owner it was fine, just a loose wire, bad ground with corrosion on it etc.
Most starters never fail unless they have been abused. (Run longer than 15 seconds all the time.) Starter is only designed to run short times, and cool off completely between uses. (Ok, they deal with engine/header heat, and that can make them brittle, but on the 7M, the starter is on the other side from the exhuaust, so this setup should last forever.)
I always use sandpaper on my ground contacts. Clean up the chassis of any paint, or debris, and clean up the wire end of any corrosion too. Then coat them both with dilectric grease, and assemble. This helps to slow down new corrosion, and displaces water too. A good ground is critical to bright headlamps, any other lamps etc. Also excellent grounds for your ignition system etc.
I've added a large gauge (4 I think) wire between the engine at the alternator bracket and the negative post of the battery. Also added a section from the neg. battery to chassis grounding point behind the fuse box. On the compressor, I've added two more grounds of 12ga wire one to the chassis at the sway bar bushing, and one going to the common ground behind the fuse box. Clean up where your common ground attaches to the left apron. Those bolts get corroded, and your common ground decreases. (This is an easy job too, and your going to be shocked how much white corrosion is on them and the areas they touch the chassis.) When your done, you going to love how bright your headlamps are, and other nice stuff will start working again