Car Alarms and Keyless Entry


New Member
Sep 4, 2005
Pullman Washington
I've been searching for a good quality car alarm with keyless entry and came across this one by Commando:

Click Here

It's not the most expensive and it's not bottom of the line either.

If you have an aftermarket car alarm / keyless entry system on your Supra what do you think of it? What brand is it? How much did it cost? Did you install it yourself?

If you don't have one, but now I've got you thinking you should get one too, which car alarm would you buy?

If we can all agree on a certain model that seems the best I'll buy it, install it, and do a write up to make it easier for you guys.

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creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
I like the Crimstoppers CS 211 Super Rage or the later one with the LCD display and feedback. I think it's the CS 2016. These are slightly older systems so they go for cheap. You can find new ones on Ebay. They're a long range all in one keyless entry, alarm (with shock sensor), and remote start in one box. Also has a few aux outputs for doing things like trunk popping or window rollup. Easy to install and works great. You can even tie in the factory theft deterrent system to it if you want double protection.


New Member
Sep 4, 2005
Pullman Washington
Hey, downloaded your document a long time ago :) That will come in handy but I was planning a picture by picture type tutorial to whatever alarm is selected.

I was looking at the alarms by Crime Stoppers and thought the CS-2004TW1 would be a good choice too. Here's a link:

Click Here

The price from was 82.99 but I'm not sure I want to buy from them. Would rather buy from a company that specializes in car alarms.

The Commando Alarm I mentioned earlier is only 59.99

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United States of America
Mar 30, 2005
Cool, maybe you can add to it if you do the remote start, etc.

Mine was cheaper than that. It was like $30 from I got mine mostly for the convenience of remote door lock/unlock. I feel if someone wants to break in, a screaming siren won't stop them. The only security system I'd have confidence in is one that will track your vehicle.


i just ordered a factory refurbished Python 881XP from

Comes with 1 yr warranty on all wires and parts, going to have a audio shop install for $200 incl tax and extra parts. They are also going to rewire my turbo timer and rip out the old viper alarm system.

Any alarm by DEI (Python, Viper, etc) are very good brands, expensive but way worth it ;)


i have no clue but i didnt even want to mess with it, so i just paid the $200 and had someone install it for me.. that way if something breaks its covered under warranty and they have to fix it free :)


Supramania Contributor
All my other cars have factory key fobs, and I had a alarm/fob setup on my 82 that I installed, but it was so long ago, I can't even remember who made that unit. (Crimestopper IIRC.)

Worked fine, locked and unlocked the doors, and that's really all I wanted it to do. (Also had the ignition lock out, and a few other gizmo's that all worked, but I never really needed since the car was never stolen.)

The MK3 does not have an electronic hatch release, so putting that option into it would be a PITA right?

Just getting doors would be nice, and some alarm/lock out ability for the fuel pump or ignition would also be good. (No pump, no fuel, who cares if they can crank it over.... LOL)

On thing I did on my last one was put the siren inside the car, under the dash. (Not easy to get at, but damn loud when it's going off inside there.) I figured most people pretty much ignore the alarms anyway, so I was trying to agrivate the would be thief with a loud working environment. Also this tended to mute the "chirp" "chirp-chirp" when locking and unlocking the car so I did not attract attention to it.

In my job, I used to see theft claims all the time. Also have worked with the SIU (Investigators at our company) guys on a few serious cases in the past. (Theft rings, dirty shops, stuff like that.)
#1 Way to get your ride stolen is to have a loud stereo in places where others can listen in. (Like the parking lot of a mall, or movie theater...) Goes like this. Boom... Boommm, your bass is really kicking... Or just loud anything in a public place where your about to park your car.... Or even on your daily ride home, a savy thief will just follow you home, see where you park your car, and if you have an alarm with the fancy shit on it, they even now know what system you have when you lock your doors, and it says "System Armed" or whatever.

They get to work that night, and you come out to a screwed up car if they don't out and out steal the ride. (At minimum, your stereo is gone, window broken, dash raped etc.)

Knowing this, the perfect alarm would have a very small, two button remote key fob. Lock and unlock is all I need. Loud alarm inside the car. Activate superbright LED/Xenon strobe lights also inside the car, under the dash, or near the radio. IT would be very difficult to work with birght light in your eyes, and a loud siren in your ears. Ear plugs might help, but the light deal would make it that much harder to focus and steal your stuff. (And time is everything for the thief.) Only need one relay to cut either the power to the TCCS, fuel pump, or some other vital system like the coils. (Engine will not run without this hooked up, no matter what.) Keep in mind most alarm installers only hit the ignition wires, so if you know what your doing, you can bypass that pretty quickly, and everything else works. If you take out a system they don't know well, like the fuel pump, ignition or some other vital system, they will not know where you defeated it, and the car will be left as a result.

Just my .02, but what system has the nicest two button key fob? LOL That's the one I'd buy.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
I use to install security/remote starts for 5 years at circuit city. So if you need help pm me. We installed mostly DEI (viper) and Alpine systems. I would get a decent one with a warrenty and make sure you take your time when wiring it up. I would solder all the connections also. If you hook the starter disable up (which will not allow anyone to start the car unless you disarm the alarm), make sure you solder those wires. Other than that, toyotas are pretty straight forward on the wiring and most wires will be located under the drivers side underdash and kickpannel.


New Member
Jun 29, 2005
Alright cool, i dont want to steal the thread or anything but is some of those ebay 50 dollar ones any good? Like i just want to unlock the car and if someone like breaks a window trying to get in or something the alarm goes off... we dont have alot of crime around here

i wasnt looking for a remote start either
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Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
I've got a compustar, dont't recall the model offhand, but it's a couple years old by now. I'm quite happy with it, and paid about $250 for it installed.

It comes with a pager unit, which tells me when someone is screwing with my car. The pager is good for about 3/4 of a mile, and works through a LOT of concrete. When my alarm goes off, I grab 3 feet of zero gauge welding cable and go for a walk.

My only complaint is that I cannot mute the pager... so things like management meetings, movies, theatre, or symphony performances are always a little more stressful.


Mar 31, 2005
Spokane, Wa
I've been selling/installing alarms/12volt electronics for damn near 4 years now and I would not recommend anything other than DEI (Viper, Clifford, Python, etc.)


Checkout look at the Python881XP's i paid $180+ shipped to my door for a factory refurb :)